Junior School

Year 7+8

Term 3 in the Junior School

Year 8 into 9 Curriculum Elective Selections

What a week it has been supporting our Year 8 students in selecting their electives program for 2025. Thank you to the families who joined us at the Expo last Thursday, it was great to chat and discuss the options and pathways for our students. 


Interim Reports - Term 3, Week 4

All families were sent the current interim reports for our Junior School students last Friday. We hope you have all had a chance to look over and reflect on the teacher feedback as a family. The Junior School will be catching up with the students who may benefit from extra support over the next few months.

Term 3 Key Dates

6Wed 21 AugustYear 7's to view the 'All Shook Up' Production (Periods 3&4) 
ALL WEEKTuesday - Friday is Production Week! 
7Thu 29 AugYear 8 Division Sport 
8Wed 4 SeptYear 7 Division Sport 
Year 8 Assembly - Period 3 

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior School, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. 

Please fill in the attached form if this is applicable to your family and update Compass absence details accordingly. https://forms.office.com/r/q7nnA3nqcD


Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed.


All enquiries related to missed class work should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.