Sharing The Planet

Prep - Term  4   2024

Transdisciplinary Theme 

'Sharing the planet'

​Central Idea

People’s use of the sea impacts upon the creatures that call it their home​


As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year. 


In Term Four, Prep students will be investigating their final unit of inquiry for the year. During this unit the students will be looking at their actions and the way human use of the ocean and other waterways can affect the creatures that live there. Students will learn to become responsible for their actions and understand that everything they do affects the ocean.


  • Responsibility: Students will understand their role in protecting the ocean and its creatures. They will explore how individual and collective actions impact marine environments and learn ways to contribute positively to the preservation of these vital ecosystems
  • Causation: Students will investigate the causes behind the impact of human activities on the ocean. They will analyse how different behaviours, such as pollution or overfishing, lead to specific changes in marine habitats and species
  • Change: Students will explore the changes occurring in ocean environments as a result of human actions. They will learn about the effects of these changes on marine life and consider how positive actions can lead to improvements in ocean health

Lines of Inquiry

  • Human use of the Ocean
  • Impact on creatures and their habitats
  • Our responsibility to the environment


Action in the PYP is initiated independently by the student as a result of the learning process. Action may be bringing a book or artefact related to the inquiry to school, or student-initiated drawings/posters/research. 


We celebrate our students’ ACTION every day in our classrooms. If you see your children taking independent action at home encourage them to share their action with their class.


Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills:

  • Speaking - students will give a short presentation about a sea creature of their choice.
  • Listening - students will visit the SEALife Melbourne Aquarium to learn about human impact on ocean life.

Research skills:

  • Acquisition of Knowledge – Preps will research their chosen sea animal with the support of their Year 5 buddy in preparation for their oral presentation.

Learner Profile of the Month

  • Inquirers: Students will demonstrate curiosity and a desire to understand more about the ocean and its creatures. They will ask questions, seek information, and explore various aspects of marine conservation.

The Prep Team


 Ms Nicole Grant, Miss Charlotte Bendell, and Mrs Tanya Gibbon.

Nicole Grant
Tanya Gibbon
Nicole Grant
Tanya Gibbon