Environment & Sustainability

Garden Club Term 3
There has been a lot going on in our kitchen garden this term and it has been great to see the many changes in the plants as we move towards Spring. We have enjoyed seeing the Daffodils and the Rosemary coming into flower. This term we have been using our lovely worm fertiliser to give the fruit trees a nutritious feed. This week we harvested Parsley, Lettuce, Bok Choy and Chives. We cleaned out some garden beds ready for planting and looked after the worms. As usual we are very grateful to those that assist us in and around the garden, including Yvonne, Mark and Jack. Thanks to our Grade 6 Leaders who are assisting with the Garden and Garden Club and to all the Garden Club helpers.
Parent and Carer Volunteers
We would love parent volunteers to help us in our beautiful garden. If you are available on either an occasional or regular basis Mrs Magree would love to hear from you. We meet Thursdays lunch time from 1:20-2:00 PM. Volunteers need to have a Working With Children Check. There are also jobs that can be done at any time, for example if someone knows how best to look after Dragon Fruit, your experience would be very welcome.
Environment and Sustainability News
Rubbish-Free Lunch Boxes
Thanks everyone for working really hard towards rubbish-free lunches in Term 3. Congratulations to 2SH who won the Sparkly Lunch Box Rubbish Free Award for Term 2. In Term 3 we will continue to ask students to try hard to bring rubbish-free lunch boxes. The Environment and Sustainability Leaders will continue to remind and monitor classes as students work hard towards achieving a rubbish-free environment at Resurrection School. Good luck everyone, maybe the trophy will go to your class next!