Secondary News

Year 10 Work Experience
As an integral part of the Year 10 program at Merbein P10 College, students participate in two weeks of work experience. Work experience supports students to gain insights into an industry and work, develop employability skills, explore career options and increase their independence and self-confidence.
On Monday the Year 10 students will go off to their work experience placements. We wish them well and hope that they gain the knowledge and skill set required to aid them in their future employment endeavours.
Year 9 Just Talking Program
Our Year 9 Just Talking program will begin next week and will run during elective blocks. We have lots planned for the two weeks and as part of our program, Year 9s will spend a day at the Mildura Sporting Precinct. Facilitators from Melbourne will be joining us to run an exciting program called Man Cave and Flourish Journey. Information about both programs is attached for students and parents. Students will depart Merbein P-10 College at 9:00am and will return to school at 2:30pm. Students will be required to bring a packed recess with them and will need to leave their phones at school in their lockers on the day.
Please ensure you have completed the consent form for this event on Compass prior to Wednesday 4th of September.
On Friday, 13th of September, students will have fun Tenpin Bowling to put their communication and team-work skills into action and to celebrate the completion of our Just Talking program. This event costs $10, which covers bowling and the bus trip. Just a reminder that payment and consent for this is due prior to Friday, 13th.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Secondary Athletics Day
Students and staff had a wonderful day at the Secondary Athletics Day. Congratulations to all students who participated and to those who won ribbons for their efforts.
Congratulations to the age group champions.
Age Group | Name | House |
U13 Girls | Isla French | Kulnine |
U13 Boys | Mihan Du Toit | Cowra |
U14 Girls | Charli Hopkins | Yelta |
U14 Boys | Caleb Martin | Kulnine |
U15 Girls | Eden Trinick | Kulnine |
U15 Boys | Sam Trinick | Kulnine |
U17 Girls | Hayley Johnson | Cowra |
U17 Boys | Harvey Brown | Yelta |
U17 Boys | Brock Nokes | Cowra |
Snow Camp
The students had a fantastic trip to Falls Creek. They had lessons on how to ski and snow board and then were able to try out their skills on some of the runs. They had lovely sunny weather and enjoyed their time on the slopes.
Melbourne Camp
Our Year 9 & 10 campers recently enjoyed a week in Melbourne familiarising themselves with the city. Students explored many unique and interesting locations, exhibitions and activities including Melbourne University, RMIT, the Pharaoh exhibition on loan from the British Museum and escape rooms.
Be Wise Presentation
Expressions of Interest - Instrumental Music Lessons
School Phone Policy
Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours in their locker. If students are caught on their phone between 9am-3:17pm the following actions will occur:
1st Offence -phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Phone will be returned to student at end of the day
2nd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone.
3rd Offence- phone is confiscated and stored in the main office. Parent will be required to collect the phone. Student will be required to hand their phone to the front office each morning or leave their phone at home for a
period of time determined by the Principal/Assistant Principal
4th Offence- meeting with the Principal and a suspension may be applied.
Parents are reminded to contact the office on 50252501 to pass on messages to students. This is to avoid students using their phones at school and having it confiscated.
(Parents should not contact their child by phone between school hours of 9am and 3:17pm)
Please contact Mr Morgan if you have any queries regarding the phone policy.
Doctors In Secondary Schools Program
Our Doctors in Secondary Schools program is available for all secondary students to access free (bulk-billed), confidential health care at school. This is a fantastic service which students can access for any of their health care needs including asthma/anaphylaxis plans, catch-up immunisations, mental/emotional health and any other medical concerns no matter how big or small. Students can see the school doctor for any reason that they would see their usual GP.
The rooms will be open every Wednesday during the school term from 9:30am – 2pm. Students can make appointments by contacting the general office or they can ask a teacher or wellbeing staff member to make the appointment for them – the only details required to make an appointment will be the student’s name, date of birth and a copy of the medicare card.
Parents are welcome to attend appointments if the student wishes.
School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)