Mission and Identity

From the Mission and Identity Team

Service in Action

Pope Francis said “Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others. There are many people who spend their lives in this way, in the service of others. …When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love! And with the washing of the feet the Lord teaches us to be servants, and above all, servants as He was a servant to us, for every one of us.” (Jubilee audience, March 12, 2016)


Acts of service are important for young people, as they allow them to foster a deep sense of empathy, responsibility, and connection to the community and to apply the values that are an intrinsic part of their daily life at Loreto. Engaging in acts of service allows them to step outside of their own experiences and contribute positively to the lives of others. Through these actions our girls learn the value of humility and compassion, as they become a witness to the impact of their efforts, and how this has an impact on others. By completing acts of service in the community, our young women not only strengthen their own character, but they also gain a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Mary Ward said: "Do good and do it well" (Mary Ward, Letter to her Institute, 1621). This encourages our young people in their understanding, that their contributions, no matter how small, can create lasting change. They come to understand that their lives are not just about personal achievement, but also about making a difference in the world. 


This week our Senior Students led three important acts of service: 

Our talented students brought joy to the residents at an aged care home with their beautiful voices. The power of music lifted spirits and created heartfelt connections.

Secondly, with warm smiles and caring hands, our students served at a morning tea, ensuring everyone in our local parish felt welcome and valued. It was a wonderful time of community and connection, and finally in an act of solidarity, students slept outside to raise awareness and advocate for those without a home. This experience deepened their understanding and commitment to social justice.


Season of Creation 

The Season of Creation, celebrated annually from September 1st to October 4th, is a time for Christians around the world to renew their relationship creation. Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, this season calls us to respond to the "Cry of the Earth" and the "Cry of the poor," recognising the interconnectedness of the earth and all of humanity. As stewards of God’s creation, we are urged to care for our common home, addressing the ecological crisis that affects the most vulnerable. By understanding and applying the Catholic Social Teaching principles of Solidarity, and the Common Good, we can work towards a more just and sustainable world. 

You can learn more about the Season of Creation here: Season of Creation

You can read more out the Loreto Justice Priority Ecological Justice here: Action Centre – Ecological Justice (loreto.org.au)


Ms Martina O'Connell 

Assistant Principal: Mission and Identity

Our Liturgical Life 


As we kicked off Book Week, our school community gathered for a special liturgy led by our dedicated prayer leaders. This liturgy was a powerful reminder of the significance of the Bible as the most important book in our lives, offering guidance, wisdom, and inspiration. The liturgy also emphasised the impact that literature has on our students, shaping their minds and hearts as they grow in knowledge and faith. It was a beautiful way to start a week dedicated to celebrating the joy of reading and the importance of stories in our spiritual and educational journey.


Year 5 Blue took the lead in a liturgy focused on social justice—a core value at Loreto, deeply rooted in the vision of Mary Ward and her followers. This liturgy highlighted the significance of justice in our daily lives and the heart of what we do as a school community. The students did an exceptional job of conveying this important message, reminding us all of our responsibility to act justly and love tenderly.


The theme of social justice was carried forward by our Year 2 students, who led a Chapel Mass on the same topic. This Mass was a wonderful celebration of word and song, and it was particularly special due to the active participation of our young students. Their enthusiasm and commitment were evident in every aspect of the service. The Mass was well-attended by parents, who added to the warm and supportive atmosphere, making it a truly memorable event.


These liturgies were not just celebrations of our faith but also reflections of the values we hold dear at Loreto. They served as powerful reminders of the importance of justice and the profound impact that literature and stories have on our lives


Isabelle Roberts

REC/College Liturgist