From the Principal 

Together We Thrive: Making a Difference in Our College Community

This week at the senior school assembly, I spoke with the students about something that is fundamental to being a member of the Loreto College, Marryatville and that is being involved and contributing to our school.  Below is an excerpt of my address.


We all know that school is a unique time in our lives. It’s a period of growth, learning, and self-discovery. But it’s also much more than just attending classes and completing assignments. It’s about being part of something bigger than us. It’s about contributing to our community and making a difference.


Let me start by sharing a few examples of what this looks like in our college. 

Think about our recent representation at "Intercol." 41 students represented Loreto College, as we versed Mary MacKillop College and in addition to these 41 students who were directly involved, there were many students who attended to support their friends and our community.


Whether you were out on the netball court, on the soccer field, or cheering from the sidelines, you were a part of something special. You weren’t just participating in a game; you were representing our college, showing our spirit, and making memories that we’ll all cherish. Every goal scored and every cheer heard was a testament to our collective effort and pride.


This week 67 athletes represented Loreto at the Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival, a day that was filled with energy, excitement, and competition. But more than just the races, relays and the field events, it was about coming together as members of our college community, supporting each other, proudly representing our college and celebrating the achievements. Each student at the carnival played an important role, whether it is on or off the track or field, making these events successful, whether they are competing, volunteering, or importantly encouraging fellow peers.


And let’s not forget the academic and intellectual contributions you make. Recently 4 students took part in the South Australia Brain Bee and were awarded Team Champion. These students worked together as a team, collaborating, supporting and performing.  All under the umbrella of Loreto College. 


Then there is debating, UN Evatt, Tech club or part of the cast and crew of our upcoming Musical Mamma Mia!  There are numerous, excellent examples of how our students shine in various fields. Whether you were a contestant or a supporter, your involvement showed the diverse talents and interests within our school. It’s a reminder that excellence isn’t confined to one area but is present across every activity and subject.


Our commitment to community service is equally important. Volunteering at the local nursing home, your local parish church or participating in the winter sleep-out all are powerful ways to give back and make a real impact. These activities are not just about fulfilling a requirement or earning accolades; they’re about empathy, kindness, and understanding. They offer us a chance to connect with others, learn from their experiences, and make a tangible difference in the lives of others. 


Being involved is not just about the big events and competitions. It’s also about the small, everyday actions that contribute to our school’s positive atmosphere. Helping a classmate with their homework, participating in the environment or tech clubs, or simply being kind and supportive, living up to our Loreto values all add up. It’s these seemingly small actions that build a strong, cohesive, and supportive school community.


Now, you might be wondering why all this matters. The answer is simple. When you contribute to your school, you are not only enriching your own experience but also enhancing the experience of everyone around you. You are helping to create a school environment that is vibrant, inclusive, and supportive.


Involvement also teaches us valuable life skills. It builds teamwork, leadership, and strength. It helps us develop a sense of responsibility and learn the importance of working together towards common goals. These are skills that will serve you well beyond the Talbot Grove and Portrush Road gates, in your future careers, and personal lives.

So, I continue to challenge each of you today to think about your involvement and contribution. Whether it is by joining a new club, participating in school events, or lending a helping hand to a fellow student, remember that your actions make a difference. Your involvement reflects who you are and what you stand for. What we stand for here at Loreto College Marryatville. 


Let us continue to build on the great traditions of our College and strive to make each day better than the last. Together, we can achieve incredible things and make our school a place where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Fathers and Friends lunch

My immense gratitude is extended to all those who attended and supported the recent Fathers and Friends Lunch.  Together over $22,000 was raised, ensuring that spectator seating can be installed on our newly renovated oval during the December/January holiday break.


Below is a list of people from our community we would like to acknowledge for their generosity and support of Loreto College:


Chris Bishop, The Biomechanics Lab

Adam Lampit, Lambrook Wines

Leigh Ratzmer, Teusner Wines

Nick Addison, Adelaide Oval

Orazio Baldino, Penfolds Winery

Dan Boundy, The Exeter Hotel

Adrian Manera, One Degree Yoga Studio (The Manera Group)

Alex Katsaros, Mazi Wines

Charlotte Hutchesson, Linden Park Pharmacy

Stuart Campbell, Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management

Dan Orken, Big4 Port Willunga

Jim Kefalianos, Sueno Hair

Pete Vickery

Kimberley Kennedy

Happy Father’s Day

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Fathers and those who play the role of Father a happy Father’s Day.  Thank you for your dedication, your hard work, and your unwavering support. You are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure your families are cared for and supported. Your sacrifices often go unnoticed, but today, we shine a light on you!


Kylie McCullah
