Whole School Activities

NAIDOC Celebration

We recently hosted our NAIDOC celebration event. This involved hosting Kelly's Plains Public School, Kingstown Public School and Kentucky Public School to participate in the event as an alliance. The students attended an Anawain language workshop, outdoor language games and an animal colouring in competition. Our students led with integrity, being responsible and kind people to all visiting students and teachers. Our Year 6 leaders took the initiative to organise a thank you gift and acknowledgement at the end of the day for Uncle Dave Widders and Anthony Green who led the cultural workshops for us all. Many other Rocky River students also took on some extra jobs to make the day run smoothly, and were complimented for their kind and respectful behaviour - we were very proud of the Rocky River crew!

Armidale Light Festival - Sculpture Preparation

Thank you to all of the parents who organised empty bottles and plastic pots for students to contribute to our school's sculpture. The students have been working hard with Ms C to prepare each part and look forward to constructing the final piece this Friday for submission. Rocky River's school sculpture will contribute to the light festival event for public display in Central Park, scheduled for Friday 23rd August 4:30pm-8:30pm.

Science Week

This year’s National Science Week theme is “Species Survival – More Than Just Sustainability.” We celebrated Science Week with a live zoom call with Dr Karl Kruszelnicki on Tuesday 13th August. All Upper and Lower Divsion students were involved and had the opportunity to ask Dr Karl questions about species survival.  We discussed and sent questions about threatened species, habitats and all manner of living things!


Physical Education

We have been enjoying the sunshine with outdoor P.E. lessons across the Lower Division and Upper Division classes.

Lower Division

Lower Division have done some wonderful work in mathematics, learning about telling time and what we mean by hour, half hour and quarter hour time.

To help us with this, we made our own clock faces using paper plates which was a lot of fun as we can see below.

We also worked on what half of something is, and what we mean when we double something. Lower Division worked with some blocks to help us understand this and everyone did a great job.


Lower Division also does a great job of making sure our food waste from fruit break each morning is not wasted. We collect our scraps and leftovers in our green bin and feed it to the chickens or put it in our compost bin. All of the class proudly participate, and earlier this week Reagan and Eden took the full bin to our garden.

Wild @ Art Competition 2024

Wild At Art is Australia’s biggest wildlife art competition for children aged 5-12. From Monday, 17 June to Monday 12 August, children from across the country were invited to create an original artwork of one of Australia's many threatened native animals or plants, along with a short written component on their chosen threatened species. The competition was a fantastic opportunity for our Upper Division students to unleash their artistic creativity while learning about Australia's threatened animals and plants – and the threats facing them. We would like to thank Sally Turner for emailing the school with this information.