The HUB is Calrossy's one stop shop for all information for parents and students
This is the place where you find a number of key items to help you stay informed about what is happening across all areas of Calrossy including;
- Junior School Daily Notices and Secondary Notices (far left column) - This is where parents/students can find out essential information about what is happening on the current day/week.
- Join Manage Groups (far left column) - Parents/students can join groups they are interested and/or involved in, such as sports and co-curricular activities.
- Newsletters/Report an Absence etc (top tiles in grid) - The grid of tiles on your home page is where parents can access the Newsletters (published each Monday of Week B). These tiles also have access to reporting absences and forms and policies.
- Calendar/Photo Galleries/News items (top blue line) - a detailed calendar, news items and notifications, as well as a photo gallery of events can be found here.
- EdSmart (scrolling banners) - permission notes and most paymemts can be dome through EdSmart.
There is also a guide to using The HUB it can be found below.