Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
It has already been a busy start to our 2024 academic school year. It has been wonderful to observe students settling into new school and class routines while reestablishing social connections with their peers and teachers.
Thank you to our school community who came to support our students at our swimming carnival and at our Beginning of the Year Mass.
Swimming Carnival
Last Thursday, 15 February, we held our annual Swimming Carnival at the Wee Waa Swimming Pool. It was a success, and it was also great to see so many students attend and so many parents come along in support.
This year, we held a Parents vs Teachers vs Sports Captains relay. Congratulations to the Parents team for their win, and well done to the Teachers and the Sports Captains for their efforts. A big thank you to the staff and the volunteers who helped make the day possible.
Congratulations to St Joseph’s House for their win, and well done to all the students for their efforts and sportsmanship!
It was also a record-breaking year. A special mention to Charlie Wilson, who broke the previous 8 years' Boys 33 m Freestyle record, and Edward Carolan and James Gleeson, who broke the previous 11 years Boys Breaststroke record.
We also acknowledge the following students who received awards for their outstanding efforts:
Junior Boys Champion | Henry Wilson |
Junior Boys Runner-Up | Toby Dewson |
Junior Girls Champion | Florence Melton |
Junior Girls Runner-Up | Alexis Bartz |
11 yrs Boys Champion | Edward Carolan |
11 yrs Boys Runner-Up | James Gleeson |
11 yrs Girls Champion | Olivia Burnside |
11 yrs Girls Runner-Up | Mackenzie Burnside |
Senior Boys Champion | Johnathon Wilson |
Senior Boys Runner-Up | Reggie Graham |
Senior Girls Champion | Sophie Crutcher |
Senior Girls Runner-Up | Ava Stevens |
Finally, congratulations and good luck to the following students who have qualified for the ADPSC Swimming Carnival, which will be held in Gunnedah on Friday, 1 March. We will be cheering you on!
Alexis Bartz, Olivia Burnside, Edward Carolan, Jag Carroll, Leyton Carroll, Campbell Collett, Sophie Crutcher, Bailey Crutcher, Toby Dewson, James Gleeson, Reggie Graham, Ava Hall, Blaikley Hobden, Florence Melton, Ava Stevens, Edee Towns, Quinn Towns, Charlie Wilson, Henry Wilson and Johnathon Wilson.
School Fees
Earlier this week, school fees were made available via Compass, and families were also emailed a statement. As detailed in our Compass communication, there is an increase in school fees set by the Armidale Catholic School’s board.
Our excursion costs for Stage 2 and Stage 3 have also been increased in line with general increases by transport, accommodation and service providers. Our school’s P&F association and a NSW government grant we received subsidised the charged cost. If we succeed in further grant applications, these will be used to subsidise these excursions further.
School fees are important, as they help our school to operate. Our staffing costs are covered by federal government funding. However, operational costs, like electricity, rates, water bills, maintenance, etc., are paid for by our school fees.
Please complete the survey on how you will pay your school fees in 2024, which was embedded in the Compass post earlier this week. If anyone has any questions about school fees, please contact our school office and make an appointment, and I will be in touch.
Parent Information Night
This is a reminder that we will hold a Parent Information Night in each classroom on Monday, 26 February.
This is a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher and learn about class routines, homework, organisational expectations and upcoming excursions.
Kindergarten: 5:30 - 6:00 pm
Stage 1: 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Stage 2: 5:30 - 6:00 pm
Stage 3: 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Please note that the St Joseph’s P & F will hold their Annual General Meeting following these sessions at 6:00 pm.
P & F Annual General Meeting
This is a reminder that P&F (Parents & Friends Association) will hold their Annual General Meeting on Monday, 26 February, at 6:00 pm (following the Parent Information Night).
It would be great if we could have a large turnout of parents at this meeting. Our school’s P&F is a great way to meet other parents and help build a more connected community within St Joseph’s.
Our P&F helped raise a significant amount of money last year, which is used to support all students within the school. Please consider attending and help make this school an even better place.
Canteen menu updates
Additional items and a greater selection of sandwiches, rolls, etc., will be available to order this week from the canteen menu, starting Wednesday, 28 February. It will also include increases in some prices to reflect the general rise in supply and operating costs. Further information will be communicated this Monday.
Regina Menz visiting
On Friday, March 1, we will be welcoming Regina Menz to our school. Regina will meet with our staff and Fr. Joseph during her visit to discuss our Annual Improvement Plan. She will also have the opportunity to take a learning walk and meet with our students in their classrooms. Regina Menz is the newly appointed Director of Schools for the Armidale Catholic Schools system.
Welcome BBQ
Please note that the St Joseph's P & F will hold a Welcome BBQ on Wednesday, 6 March, at 5:30 pm for our school community.
Please note that the event is free and will include sausage sandwiches, coleslaw, soft drinks, and icy poles.
All families are welcome. If you would like to attend, please complete the following RSVP via
Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
Alistair Stewart