Parent & Student Matters 

  • NAPLAN 2024
  • Visual Arts
  • Languages
  • Diverse Learning
  • Academic Annexe
  • Maths Drop-In


Please see attached a letter regarding the NAPLAN 2024.

Mr Stephen Davidson - Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning

Visual Arts

Smart Work!

Smart Expressions opened at the Concourse Art Space last Friday night. The exhibition celebrates the artistic talents and achievements of young people in the Willoughby Council area and featured the work of six local high schools. St Pius X was represented by Zavier Domenici, Marco Balverde, Henrik Hogg and Jerome Pickering whose works impressed the many people who attended. Deputy Mayor Nic Wright gave the opening address and was very happy to pose for a photograph with the boys. Art and Photography students will be taken to the Art Space over the coming weeks to view the works. The exhibition runs until 24 March.

Ms Frances Doyle - Leader of Learning, Visual Arts

Year 9 Visual Arts Excursion

Our Year 9 Visual Arts students went on a field trip to Harold Reid Reserve last week, putting into practice what they have learnt from artists such Andy Goldsworthy, Margaret Flockton and John Wolseley. Trekking through the reserve, they embraced the practice of en plein air artmaking, capturing the essence of nature as they experienced it. The young artists are commended for immersing themselves in the creative process, utilising natural materials to craft their expressive artworks.

Mr Dennis Lee - Visual Arts Teacher


Lunar New Year Celebration

The Lunar New Year began on 10 February this year, marking the Year of the Dragon. In celebration of this auspicious occasion, on Wednesday 28 February, the College morning assembly was transformed into an exciting Lion Dance performance by presenters Lion Dance Kids, who specialise in Chinese New Year celebrations and a variety of Chinese cultural workshops. 

In Chinese tradition, the Lion Dance is performed to bring about prosperity to those who bear witness. According to Chinese legend, Nian, a mythical beast who terrorised the ancient world, was afraid of loud noises, fire and the colour red.  These elements were featured throughout the duration of the show to keep Nian at bay and bring good luck to the start of 2024. In the final act of the presentation the College applauded as Mr Ronchetti was thrown a lettuce, symbolising the transfer of ‘wealth and prosperity”, due to its pronunciation in Chinese.

Our Year 6 students are currently studying a unit of work around Chinese culture during their Mandarin lessons. The festivities continued with this cohort, as they engaged with an interactive and educational Lion dance workshop by Lion Dance Kids. During the workshop, they learned more about the story of Nian – the New Year Beast and how to play the percussion instruments featured in the Chinese New Year Parade. Students also experienced the movements used when performing in the lion dance costume and finally saw a close-up acrobatic act  from the performers. Here are some of the Year 6 comments:

“We learnt and experienced an amazing array of Chinese New Year traditions”. 

“Very fun”.


“I enjoyed going into the costumes and playing the cymbals.”

“Using the ropes and strings inside the lion head was challenging but fun”.


Thanks to Mr Michael Ronchetti, Ms Elizabeth Watson, Mrs Kara Manga for their continued support, and to Mr Tony Cunneen, Mrs Tracy Bradley and Ms Felicity Barrett for the excellent photos.

Mrs Leanne Lee - Languages Teacher

Diverse Learning

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2024). Please refer to the attached for the full disclosure to parents, carers and guardians.


National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Parent consent forms for students to receive rest breaks or extra time for NAPLAN exams have been issued for relevant Year 7 and 9 students and we thank you for returning them signed for the provisions to be processed.


A celebration of neurominorities and their genius within:

St Pius X College is an inclusive learning community and the diverse learning team work to enrich every student’s strengths.


Diverse Learning Team 

From left: Paul Cummins, Michael Dalton, David Menton Annabel Gunns, Sam Alston, Antonella Schiller

Absent: Meredith Leedham






Please do not hesitate to contact the diverse learning team for any medical or learning difficulties which may impact your son’s learning in class or his ability to access and respond to assessment tasks.

Ms Annabel Gunns - Leader of Diverse Learning

Academic Annexe

A reminder that students are welcome to make use of our new Academic Annexe.

Stay, Study, Succeed!

The Senior Resource Centre is open every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 3:20 pm - 5:20 pm.

Years 5 - 12 students are invited to come to the SRC at the end of the school day to complete homework, work on an upcoming assessment task or engage in private study. The SRC is a quiet space conducive to productive work and free from distractions. 

As assessments begin, feel free to make use of Academic Annexe for a quiet space to complete tasks and study for upcoming examinations.

Mr Stephen Davidson - Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning

Senior Maths Drop-In (Years 7 - 12)

All students in Year 7 - 12 are welcome to attend Senior Maths Drop In.

Come along, we are here to help. 

Where: C1

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 7:40 am - 8:30 am

I'm very much looking forward to seeing many students unlock their mathematical potential.

Mrs Amanda Fileman - Mathematics Teacher