From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • The power of a positive mindset
  • NAPLAN testing for Years 5, 7 and 9
  • Project Compassion
  • Year 6 Annual Trip to Canberra
  • Open Day
  • P&F Association Cocktail Evening
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular Program


Third Sunday of Lent (Year B)


Heavenly Father, 

We humbly seek your wisdom and insight.


Show us the things in our lives

that draw us closer to you and those that distract us.


Help us recognise the people,

activities, and habits that deepen our faith and align with your will.


Grant us the courage to let go

of any distraction and the strength to prioritise what truly matters.


Guide us on the path of righteousness,

that we may grow closer to you each day.


Lord, we surrender our desires and plans to you.


Give us the wisdom to make

choices that honour you and bring glory to your name.


Help us to cultivate a deeper

relationship with you, seeking your presence in all that we do.


May your wisdom and insight

guide us towards lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.


In your loving embrace, we find joy and peace. 




Each Lent, we are all invited to return to the heart of our relationship with our God.  As baptised Christians, we are all 'temples of the Holy Spirit' (1 Cor 6:19).  God dwells in us, so that God is immediately accessible to us and therefore part of our lives.

The reflection above provides us with three questions:

  1. How would you describe you daily relationship with God?
  2. What would you like your relationship with God look like?
  3. What are the things that are stopping you from having those relationships?

I encourage all families especially our sons, to reflect on these questions.


Pieta’ Lenten Program 2024 published by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

The power of a positive mindset

Michael Jordan famously said, 'Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.' This sentiment was exemplified last weekend by our First XI and Second XI cricket teams, who transformed potentially dire situations into remarkable victories. Despite facing imminent defeat, their unwavering belief in themselves and their teammates propelled them to overcome adversity and achieve success. This highlights the power of positive thinking, a mindset that can greatly benefit us in our daily lives, particularly in our pursuit of learning.

Too often, I hear students express self-defeating statements like 'I can't do it.' However, what I interpret from these words is a defeatist attitude - a resignation without exploring possibilities or seeking solutions. Embracing a positive mindset involves shifting from 'I can't do it' to 'I can't do it yet', thereby acknowledging the challenge while maintaining hope and determination to overcome it.

So, I pose these questions to all staff and students: What kind of mindset do you currently possess? What kind of mindset would you like to cultivate? What steps are you taking to nurture a positive mindset? How can you consistently demonstrate positivity in your thoughts and actions?

Let us draw inspiration from Michael Jordan's words and strive to transform every negative situation into a positive opportunity for growth and achievement.

NAPLAN testing for Year 5, 7 and 9 

During Week 7 and 8, students in Years 5, 7, and 9 will participate in the National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These diagnostic assessments represent just one of the various data sources utilised by St Pius X College to gather information on student performance and progress in literacy, particularly in writing, reading and conventions of language, as well as numeracy. NAPLAN results play an important role in guiding and structuring school-wide initiatives and in monitoring the performance of both individual students and entire cohorts over time. We eagerly anticipate analysing the data from these assessments, as it will inform our future strategies aimed at enhancing the learning environment of the College.

Project Compassion – our giving for those in need 

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their generous contributions to our Project Compassion collection thus far. The contributions from St Pius X have undoubtedly stemmed from the genuine compassion of our students. It is evident that their contributions are not obligatory but rather heartfelt gestures in response to those in need beyond our local community. I offer special appreciation to Mr Balboa for his unwavering dedication to this noble cause, as well as to all our staff who have tirelessly encouraged our students to give from the heart.

Year 6 Annual Trip to Canberra and meeting the Prime Minister

This week, our Year 6 students embarked on their annual trip to Canberra, the Capital of Australia. This morning, it was a moment of great excitement for the students as they had the privilege of meeting Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Mr Pham Minh Chinh, while awaiting the commencement of their tour at Parliament House. This was a special honour for all our students, particularly given Mr Albanese's received his own education by the Christian Brothers at St Mary's Cathedral. We eagerly anticipate hearing about their experience in meeting Mr Albanese, and their overall visit to Canberra.

OPEN DAY - Saturday 16 March

The College OPEN DAY is on Saturday, 16 March.  The Chatswood campus will be open from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm.  The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8.00 am to 12.00 pm.  

Sessions times will be 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.30am and 1.00pm. 

Closing date for students to register as Tour guides is this Friday, 8 March.

Looking forward to seeing many new and existing families and students guides at Open Day.

Tour bookings are essential via the college website and can be found below:

Communication regarding the need for student helpers has been conveyed through Canvas (and is also found below), with the closing date for registration being Friday 8 March.  Please encourage your son to register and continue the great tradition of promoting our great College for the next generation of families.

Application for enrolment - Year 5 and 7 2026

Applications for enrolment for Year 5 and 7 2026  are open and can be found on the college website. Applications close on Friday 3 May 2024.

P&F Association Cocktail Evening

On Friday 8 March, the P&F Association will host the annual Cocktail function at the College Gym.  Looking forward to seeing as many families on Friday.

Key Dates

Cocurricular Program

Last Saturday proved to be a triumphant day for St Pius X, with several accomplishments in ISA basketball and cricket. Eight basketball teams advanced to the grand finals, while our ISA cricket teams, the First XI and Second XI, clinched thrilling victories amidst challenging circumstances. The unwavering determination and resilience displayed by the cricket teams were particularly noteworthy, as they overcame various adversities to triumph over their formidable opponents.


Our CSDA Public Speaking team kicked off their competition with a successful debut last Friday evening. As they gear up for the Zone Finals this week, we extend our best wishes to the participating students Marcus Ng in Year 9 and Samuel Xegas in Year 8.


St Pius X continues to foster exceptional sportsmanship, exemplified by the achievements of our athletes:

  1. Congratulations to Nick Tozer for his selection to represent CIS at the NSW All Schools Tennis Championships in Bathurst from 25 to 26 March.
  2. Applause to Brandon Abram for securing the first position in the 50m freestyle event at the annual IPSHA swimming carnival.

As our NSTA (Tennis), squash, district cricketers, and Junior School sports teams continue to compete in their respective events this weekend, we encourage all our teams to approach their matches with enthusiasm, determination, and sportsmanship. May their performances reflect the true spirit of St Pius X College.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal