Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Abigail 4C- Abigail always demonstrates respectful behaviour while always striving for her best and aiming to improve. Incredible effort Abigail!

Visual Arts - Abbie 4C - Abbie showed outstanding focus and concentration whilst creating her feather watercolour drawing…. which looked amazing! You exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner” and were a great role model for your peers. Congratulations Abbie and well done!

Chinese - Mason 1B for learning proudly and doing tasks independently. Mason listened to the mini lesson seriously and  followed instructions well. He was willing to try the task. He stayed calm and focused, finishing it quickly and correctly. Well done!


L.L.I. (Years 3 & 5)- The whole of Group 3- Jensen 3A, Allen 3A & Elissa 3C. I am so proud of how hard you have all worked this term. You have all been resilient, respectful and collaborated so wonderfully. Well done Team 3!


5B - Ethan has been recognised for demonstrating a positive attitude to learning and a high level of effort in his work. Well done Ethan!

5C - Boadie, I am so proud of how hard you have settled into DPW. Well done for taking pride in your work, having resilience when you are unsure of the task, and stepping out of your comfort zone when making friends in the yard. Keep it up!


4ALenny for demonstrating a commitment to all of our School  Values in the classroom, particularly resilience and  integrity. He used his time wisely to create a poster that displays an important message to everyone in our Community. Well done Lenny! Such an awesome effort that will have a positive impact!

4BEthan for always showing integrity. When things seem hard, he asks questions and keeps persisting. Keep up the great work!

4CAiden for your remarkable display of integrity, resilience, and collaboration. You persevered when faced with challenges, and your willingness to collaborate and support others contributed to creating a safe and positive learning environment. Well done, Aiden!


3A - Kresdaf for showing care and respect towards his peers. Well done, Kresdaf! 

3C - Ali for exhibiting our class goals of kindness,  as voted by his peers. He always models our school  values of Respect and Collaboration.


2C - Thahira for consistently engaging in all tasks and contributing your great ideas and opinions to our discussions.

2B - Andrew has been recognised for demonstrating a positive attitude to learning and a high level of effort in his work. Well done Andrew!


FB - Logan for demonstrating integrity. He has worked hard to listen, watch, share, and learn in Reading. Logan enthusiastically solved new words and tried his best to remember his Magic 100 Words. Fantastic effort Logan!