From the Classroom

Science News

We are well into our Science Curriculum now! There are 4 strands in the Science Curriculum, and this term we are focused on Biological Sciences. Term 2 will focus on Chemical Sciences, Term 3 on Earth and Space Sciences and we will finish with Physical Sciences in Term 4. Here is a brief explanation of our learning for Term 1. 


In the Grade 1/2 area, we are learning all about Dinosaurs! We have learnt about fossils, skeletons and different teeth to make educated guesses about how dinosaurs lived and what they ate. We are looking closely at habitats in the coming weeks and will finish the term looking at different ways dinosaurs protected themselves. 


Grade 3/4 students have been learning about Friends and Foes! Focusing on the relationship between plants and animals. We have learnt so far about the life cycle of a tomato plant, the parts of a flower, the parts of a bee and how bees are vital to the pollination process so that plants can reproduce. Last week, students made a model and acted out how bees pollinate flowers. Please enjoy these photos of the Grade 4 students creating their flowers and bees. We will be looking at the role of other animals in the pollination process and how we can help to ensure our pollinating friends are protected in the future. 


The Grade 5/6 students are learning Desert Survivors! Students discovered what it was like to explore following Burke and Wills path through the Australian desert. We investigated plants and their adaptions to survive the extreme weather conditions, and students are now creating a project based on an Australian desert dweller which they will present to their prospective classes in the coming weeks, with the focus on special adaptions that they have to ensure they can survive.