Religious Education News

Messages from Rose Howell - Catholic Identity & Religious Education Leader
St Agatha’s Parish Reconciliation Program
It was wonderful to see so many parents of our new Reconciliation candidates attending the parent information evenings last fortnight. We look forward to seeing you and your children again next week at one of the parent-child workshops below:
Wednesday 6 March at 5pm and 7pm
Thursday 7 March at 7pm
Mini Vinnies News
Every year at St Agatha’s, Year 6 students are given the opportunity to work on one of our four ‘Mini Vinnies’ teams. Each school term, a different team of Mini Vinnies has a chance to develop their leadership skills by encouraging the younger students in our school to live their faith through action. They do this by raising money or supporting people in need in other ways. This term, our Mini Vinnies team is helping to raise funds for Project Compassion.
Our 2 main events are CRAZY HAIR/CASUAL CLOTHES DAY (next Thursday 7th March) and COIN LINE (Wednesday 27th March). More information about these events soon!
Also, keep a lookout for our Caritas water wall display on the school Hall doors. Families are invited to donate $5 (which will be put into the Project Compassion box in the office). You will then be given a paper water drop. You can write your family’s name or a prayer on this paper water drop, send it back to school, and we’ll add it to the water wall display. It’s just another way to raise money to improve access to clean drinking water for vulnerable families around the world.