Teaching and Learning

As you will have read in recent school newsletters and Compass messages, all Year 3 and 5 students will be involved in NAPLAN in the coming fortnight.
The NAPLAN testing schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday March 13th- Writing Test
- Thursday March 14th- Reading Test
- Monday March 18th- Language Conventions (spelling, grammar & punctuation)
- Tuesday March 19th- Mathematics
*All tests commence at 9:30am
We ask that parents and carers please take note of the dates and times above and avoid making any appointments during these testing periods. We understand that there may be unavoidable circumstances where students may be absent from school on these days, but where possible we ask you for your support in ensuring that students are in attendance at school on these days.
All NAPLAN tests are completed online apart from the Year 3 Writing Test. Students require their own headphones/earbuds that are compatible with their device. Could all parents/carers please ensure that your child has headphones for the NAPLAN tests; they are available at a very low cost ($2.00) at Kmart but can also be purchased at a reasonable price in many other retail outlets.
For further information or any questions regarding NAPLAN, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher, Nicole Phillips, or access the parent brochure produced by the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (ACARA) that can be found HERE .
To book tickets and find out more information, head here https://events.humanitix.com/code-club-94tcq3wm