Principal's Report

After a few weeks without too much in terms of events and extra-curricular activities, we have a bit going on this week. Today we have 3-6 Athletics, which is a big event that the kids enjoy. The weather is perfect and there will be a carnival atmosphere with everyone doing their best and enjoying the competition. We know Ms Morris will have everything well organised and the day will run smoothly.
We have an exciting day for the preps as they head off on their first school excursion. They’re heading out to Scotsburn for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic and will have a lovely day.
We have our Open Mornings on Wednesday and Thursday, which are important days as we host tours for prospective future families. Our grade 6 transition team members are excited knowing they’ll have quite a few tours to lead on these days.
And then we finish the week with a sausage sizzle on Friday, which is a perfect way to head into a long weekend.
At the close of nominations, we remain short in the parent category if we are to fill all vacancies on School Council. We have a two-year term and a one-year term to fill. If you are interested, please give me a call. We’d like to fill all parent positions, knowing how important it is to have a strong parent perspective when making important decisions that shape the direction taken at our school.
It’s nice that we regularly have a good number of parents and other family members attend weekly assemblies at both campuses. Please note we have adjusted the assembly routine for the remainder of term at the Buninyong Campus to fit in with events.
The schedule will now be:
- Week 6 (March 8) - P-2
- Week 7 (March 15) - 3-6
- Week 8 (March 22) - Whole School
- Week 9 - No assembly
Parents attending Camps and Excursions - Working With Children’s Check (WWCC)
We welcome parent involvement with camps and excursions and often rely on this help to meet supervision ratios. Parents are reminded that it is School Council Policy that all accompanying adults (camps and excursions) require a current WWCC. Parents can apply for a WWCC, renew (they are current for 5 years) or check their existing status by clicking on the following link .
Voluntary WWCC do not incur a cost.
Respectful Behaviours in the School Community
The Department of Education and Training has a policy that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults. This policy can be seen on the school’s website.
There are also other resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find these resources here.
For many years our school community has enjoyed a close and respectful home-school relationship, which we all appreciate. The DET resources mentioned above provide reminders that will help us keep it that way.