Red Gum Festival

The Redgum Festival is fast approaching. The Committee has asked the school children to perform on the Red Gum Stage at 10am on Saturday 13th April. Frau Barber has been working with the students in readiness for this and we would really love it if all students could participate. Please advise if your children will not be available on this day as this will affect instruments required and who is playing what!
We will also require some assistance in transporting the musical instruments Friday afternoon 12th April. Please advise if you can lend a hand.
Mrs Bell has also been working with the students at school to produce some amazing big leaves!
We also have a raffle book at the front of the office. You can win one of Roger Edwards' paintings of White Naped Honeyeaters. $2 per ticket or 3 for $5.00 Drawn on the main festival day,13th April.
The school and kinder will be running the Family & Friends Cafe. This has been a great fundraiser for us and has been quite hectic the last two festival days. Therefore, we will be needing as many hands as possible to run this. We will need help setting up, serving, cooking, taking orders and money and packing up at the end of the day and possibly on Sunday as well.
The school will also be holding a stall to sell the timber nesting boxes that we made last year with the Cavendish Men's Shed. This is the the next stage of the Landcare Grant we were awarded and all money raised from the sale will go to the school. We are hoping Year 5/6 students will be able to assist with sales on the day.
There will also be some great kids activities on the day so encourage family and friends to come along.
Get your entries in now to be a part of the celebration of the Red Gum Environment through Art, Sculpture, Photography and our Student Gallery. Entries for all art and sculpture close on 18th March and photography on 28th March.
Click on the link below to register:-