Student Wellbeing

Alan Peat - Wellbeing Leader


On the 13 and 14 February we had John Harris from Headspace come in and present to all of our year 8 students and year 10 students. Each Care Group was involved in an hour presentation on a range of wellbeing topics covering mental health. The year 8 students learnt about bullying and their mental health. Identifying the ways their body and brain react to stress, understanding bullying and its impact, strategies to help stand strong against bullying and exploring who they can talk too and seek support from.


The year 10 cohort all participated in self-care sessions on how to look after your mental health. Understanding their own mental health and the importance of looking after ourselves, understanding what self-care is and developing a healthy headspace action plan and identifying, where and how to seek support. The action plan was very useful in working with students to look at and identify steps they can take to improve their mental health such as sleep, resilience, being active eating well and being connected (relationships)


Overall, all of the sessions were very interactive, all students were engaged and involved, and everyone took away some key messages. Whether it was how to access Headspace, self-care tips or how they can seek help in and outside of school it was a positive experience for all involved.  A great service that we are currently working closer with and building stronger community connections.