
The end of term ONE is fast approaching, and all Materials & Services, VET, Year 7 Camp and Instrument Hire invoices have been issued, with a due date of end of term, 12 April 2024. 


We thank those families who have already paid their materials and services, or who have applied for school card, as doing so assists us greatly with the management of the school finances.


There are 18 students heading off to Japan on 10 April. Full payment for this trip was due by 15 March. If you have any outstanding amounts please arrange for payment as soon as possible.


As always, if you are experiencing difficulty in making payment by the due date, we invite you to contact us in Finance to discuss available options. 


Email, or telephone 8270 4455 and select option 2. 


Alternatively, you may attend the Finance Office in person between the term only hours of 8:15am and 3:30pm.


If using the Qkr! school payment app on a mobile Android device, please ensure that you download the latest Qkr! update which resolves the compatibility issue experienced at the start of the year.