School Sports News

Basketball - Year 7/8

On Thursday 22 February, two teams of year 7 and 8 students and four year 9 student coaches attended the 7/8 Zone Basketball Competition. 


The first game for team one in division two was a hard one, with students learning some tough lessons, and realising they needed to lift their defence in their following games. They carried this lesson into the second game and saw a lot of improvement, still needing to rally more as a team to secure a victory. The final minor game saw a significant improvement with excellent teamwork, and great shooting from all to secure the victory and a place in the play off for 3rd position. The boys showed a lot of heart in the final game however they were overcome by a tough opponent in Eastern Fleurieu and finished the day in fourth position. 


The division three team started strong with a win in their first game, their teamwork and good passing made for an exciting game. Their second game saw more challenge and a narrow defeat, the team knew they would need to lift their game in the last minor round game to win through to the first place final. Game 3 showed what these young players had to offer. 


With some fantastic full court defence, Aberfoyle were about to stop the ball getting into the other teams forward half, keeping them to just 2 points. Excellent teamwork and passing saw them take a 22-point victory, putting them into the first place play off. 


The final game saw us facing IQRA College, a significantly taller team who would no doubt make it difficult to score under the basket. Thankfully Aberfoyle’s quick hands, excellent running and composure saw them take an early lead, and despite a last-minute comeback, they were able to hang on to the lead and claim the first-place victory. 

It was a fantastic day of basketball and despite the heat, all students had a wonderful day and gave it everything they had.


South Australian Sports Institute -

Talent Identification Testing


SASI (South Australian Sports Institute) are recruiting for Athletes that demonstrate the attributes required to become the next Olympic Athlete.


The SASI talent search program identifies high school aged students in years 7 - 10 that have the potential to represent Australia in the Olympic and Paralympic Sports.


Athletes’ physical, anthropometrical and physiological characteristics are tested, in order to identify whether they have the capacity to become Australia’s next sporting champion.


Currently they are looking for talented young South Australians who have what it takes to compete at the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games!


If this is you, the next round of testing is happening at SASI during the April school holidays. You will need to register your interest by following the link so you can be kept informed as to when the testing is.




Talent Search | South Australian Sports Institute (


The Aberfoyle Park Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Aberfoyle Park Student Representative Council (SRC) demonstrated exceptional initiative and community spirit by organising a BBQ and bake sale at last week's sports day, where they successfully raised over $1100 in support of a mural project for our school. 


Through their dedication and teamwork, the SRC members not only showcased their leadership skills but also fostered a sense of unity and pride within the school community. The funds raised will go towards the creation of a vibrant mural that will serve as a lasting symbol of creativity and collaboration, enriching the school environment for current and future students alike. 


The remarkable success of the BBQ and Bake Sale underscores the commitment of the Aberfoyle Park SRC to enhancing the school experience and leaving a positive legacy for years to come.