Teens & Technology

ReachOut has undertaken research about teens and technology.

They have released new research about teens and tech, following a survey of over 630 parents and carers across the country. The findings are: 

  • Nearly 60% said that their teens’ social media use was of concern to them. 
  • Nearly 50% said they were concerned about their teens’ internet use.
  • 28% of those concerned said it had ‘a lot’ of impact on their teens’ wellbeing.

It’s important that teens understand the pros and cons of social media, and how to look after their wellbeing in the process. The good thing is this can start in the classroom. 


At Aberfoyle Park High School, responsible use of social media is covering in our Wellbeing for Learning program. We all have guest speaker including SAPOL present workshops to our students.


If you are interested in reading the report, use the below link: