Student Assembly Awards

Courage - Harmony  - Integrity

Week 4 Assembly Awards






1 RonnieIntegrityAlways helping to pack and clean up the classroom, even in areas he doesn't work. 
1HarveyCourageSettling into school life and learning our classroom routines. 
3HayleyCourageTrying hard when faced by challenges!
3ArloIntegrityAlways being a great role model, ready to learn and doing super choices!
4AryaCourageBeing very brave and confident coming into a new environment with a positive attitude.
4Brooklyn R HarmonyWelcoming a new member into our class and helping her settle in.
6GraceIntegrityHelping classroom activities and transitions to flow smoothly. Always looking out for other students. 
6EmadIntegrityAlways being a fantastic role model in the classroom, showing others how to behave. 



IntegrityAlways completing work to a high standard and within classroom time limits.
7ScarlettHarmonyLooking out for others both in the yard and in class. You are a wonderful friend.
10DylanCourageTrying new things in your learning and having a go at Uke! Great job! 
10MiaIntegrityBeing a positive role model to others and helping your peers to follow our class expectations. 
11AndyIntegritySetting very high standards for learning within Room 11.
11TenzinHarmonyWelcoming new members of our school community and spreading joy to all.
We pursue our personal best – no matter who we work with. We have reasons for the things we say and do. We have great sense and are sensible. We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.