Parent & Friends

Welcome to SJB P&F!


Everyone is invited to attend the Annual General Meeting for the St Joseph’s Primary Bulli P&F Committee on Wednesday 21 February at 7pm.


The AGM meeting is for the election of the P&F Executive, a general meeting of the P&F will follow on Wednesday 28 February at 7pm.


Anyone and everyone are welcome to nominate for the P&F Executive roles. The descriptions of the roles are listed below.


Please reach out of Kathleen or contact sjbp& if you have any questions or would like any further information.




It is the President’s role to:

  • provide leadership and direction for the P&F;
  • work collaboratively and cooperatively with the Principal and Parish Priest;
  • promote the aims and objectives of the P&F;
  • support other members of the Executive Committee;
  • schedule, plan and preside over meetings of the P&F as Chairperson*;
  • schedule, plan and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee; and
  • attend to incoming and outgoing correspondence as presented by the Secretary between meetings and follow up on action arising from previous meetings.

*this can be allocated to another member of the Executive where appropriate.




The main role of the Vice President is to fulfil the role of President in his or her absence or when required in the future.


Key responsibilities include:

  • chairing P&F meetings when the President is absent; and
  • assisting the President in attending official school and parent functions.



It is the role of the Secretary to:

  • organise meetings (including agenda, venue, meeting notification etc);
  • record the minutes of Executive and General Meetings;
  • attend to inward and outward correspondence; distribute minutes, information and correspondence to P&F members as required; and
  • maintain a record of P&F minutes, the P&F Constitution and correspondence.



The role of Treasurer is to ensure all financial dealings of the Association are carried out and recorded in an effective and transparent way. Complete records must be kept in order to protect the Association and themselves.


The Treasurer is responsible for:

  • keeping accurate records of receipts and expenditure;
  • issuing receipts for all money received;
  • banking money promptly and maintaining proper financial records;
  • paying all accounts authorised by the meeting as soon as possible;
  • maintaining petty cash to reimburse small expenses as required;
  • presenting a financial report at each General Meeting showing current receipts and expenditure
  • and the outstanding balance;
  • organising an annual audit of all accounts and presenting an annual financial report at each Annual General Meeting;

The Treasurer will also need to establish a good working relationship with the office staff of the school regarding collection of bills, invoices, storage of cash etc.

Lawn Mowing

If you are interested in joining the Lawn Mowing Crew, please click on the link to our online volunteer form.


Andrew Renwick

Mobile: 04111 04161