Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Carers

As we enter into the season of Lent, we are called into a journey of grace and conversion. This season is a time to try and turn away from worldly distractions and focus on the simpler, usually more important things, in our lives. Taking time to reflect on how we think and act is pivotal to the Lenten message we instil in our students during this time. 


Whilst each student and staff member yesterday celebrated the holy day of Ash Wednesday in prayer, I had the privilege of attending the Diocesan Project Compassion Launch with Mrs Bailey and our school captains, Nash and Celie. At this launch, Bishop Brian spoke beautifully about Lent being a time to listen and act with our hearts - to allow our compassion drive our action -  to become more aware of the needs of people around us and try to do good deeds for others. 


Lent is the time we strengthen our relationship with God, others and our world, and we will have many opportunities this Lenten season at SJB to do just that.


I wish all in our School Community a reflective, peaceful and joyful Lent, as together we prepare to celebrate for the great feast of Easter. 


A Prayer for Our Lenten Journey


Blessed are you, God of loving mercy, who give us life and all things.

In this holy season, help us to turn our minds and hearts back to you.

Lead us into sincere repentance and renew our lives with your grace. 

As we live through the Lenten journey, 

may the crosses of ashes that mark our foreheads 

be a reminder to us and to those that we meet 

that we belong to your son Jesus. 

May our prayer and worship and penitence 

be sustained throughout these 40 days of Lent. 

Bring us refreshed and renewed 

to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter.



Meet & Greets

Our teachers are continuing to facilitate Meet and Greet meetings with parents to begin building strong and positive relationships with families and students. Parents are always very welcome to meet with teachers throughout the year so please do not feel as though you need to wait for the more formalised meetings held annually. Teachers are also very willing to speak to parents over the phone. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please phone or email the school office for an appointment. 


Pupil Free Days

During 2024, our school is allocated eight Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days). Our first date was at the beginning of the school year, Tuesday 30 January. Our next Pupil Free Day will be held on Tuesday 2 April, 2024. Once we have finalised our school's Annual Improvement Plan, we will communicate the remaining Pupil Free Days.


For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!


Kaylene Duffin

Principal, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Principal Awards

Our Principal awards are presented to students fortnightly on the even week.  


The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our assembly at 2.00pm on Friday 23 February (Term 1 Week 4). 

Aspen G2nd
Max W2nd
James A3rd
Xavier H3rd
Keon W5th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.  Please see the "School Handbook" for a full list of eligible awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past, present and emerging the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.