Girls' Firsts Sport

Celebrating 25 Years of AGSV / APS Girls Sport

Girls' Firsts Volleyball Season 

Liz Tan – Member of AGSV Girls’ Firsts Volleyball Team 


The Girls' Firsts Volleyball team has had an exceptional start to the season, securing victories in all matches without dropping a single set. We’ve successfully defeated all our opponents so far, including Wesley, Mentone, Caufield, and Carey. With an eye on another AGSV premiership cup, the girls are determined to maintain our winning streak and secure another cup. The volleyball community, in particular the Girls’ Firsts, are a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming team to be a part of. Training sessions are on every Wednesday and Friday in the sports centre, focusing on improving our skills, teamwork, and court communication. Our trainings are filled with high spirts and intensity, always having a laugh, while focusing on improving ourselves as players. Many of the players also play for a club, further enhancing our skills and displaying our love for the sport. The girls are highly grateful for our passionate coach, Tanya McInerney, who has led the team to four premiership cups. She has high expectations for the team and dedicates her time into developing us as players and people. Additionally, Alana Edgely has seamlessly stepped up into her leadership role as captain, guiding the team with positivity and determination. This year, the team has a few new players, Ruby Longmuir, Ediri Ukoko, Darcy Foxwell, Vanessa Chien, and Ash Daly, all doing exceptionally well on the court. Volleyball is an incredible sport, and our community is always welcoming to anyone who is eager to join. We are excited to see how the season will unfold and hope to have another Premiership cup in our hands. 



Girls' Firsts Tennis Season 

Leah Delios  – Member of AGSV Girls’ Firsts Volleyball Team 


My journey with Girls’ Firsts Tennis, since its re-establishment in 2021, has been an extremely rewarding experience full of growth and lots of achievements. When we first started, we faced our fair share of challenges, often playing older, stronger and more experienced teams. Despite this, our co-captains Lucy and Ella have shown unwavering support and been an inspiration to the rest of the girls on the team, pushing us to remain motivated in times of doubt. With this, we have been able to commit ourselves to improve with every game, regardless of the outcome. With the guidance and belief of our coaches, Jo and Jeremy, our team has made remarkable progress. Each week we put up a strong fight to our opponents and have won multiple games. However, the best part about the team is the positive environment and the support everyone shows towards each other. During this time, we have formed lots of strong friendships across different year levels. Our team members span from Year 8s to Year 12s, with everyone contributing something special to the team. Being part of this team has taught me a lot about teamwork and perseverance, valuable lessons which I can apply on and beyond the tennis court, as well as the amazing opportunity to represent our school. I am confident that even after I graduate, my time in this team will be something that I will look back on fondly and never forget.



Girls' Firsts Softball Season 

Sadie Cleary  – Member of AGSV Girls’ Firsts Volleyball Team 


My name is Sadie Cleary, and I am a part of the Softball Firsts Team. Softball has been a major highlight throughout all my co-curriculars here at Ivanhoe, for so many reasons. Softball was the summer sport I chose in Year 7, and I have stuck with it ever since.  


In Year 7, 8 and 9 I developed my skills with the help of my amazing coaches, and I got to play with an even more amazing group of girls. In ECP Year 10 I chosen to be a part of the Softball Firsts Team to be the catcher. I remember that very first game so clearly, especially my nerves. Since then, I have made so many friends, developed my skills in the sport, and represented Ivanhoe Grammar proudly. 


I have built many great relationships with my coaches and girls in other year levels too. This team has created such a positive environment to be in and truly made me feel like I’m a part of something at Ivanhoe. It has also taught me so much about the sport and myself, as it enables me to create connections, and build resilience and perseverance. I am hoping to continue to play softball for the last two years of my schooling, and I am looking forward to what the next season brings.  


Girls' Firsts Touch Season 

Saskia Winkelman  – Member of AGSV Girls’ Firsts Touch Football Team


Being part of the First’s Touch Footy has always been a major highlight of my time at Ivanhoe Grammar School. I started playing Touch Football in Year 9, after playing Volleyball for the first two years of high school. Playing Touch Football in Year 9 and 10 was so much fun, I was able to play with all my friends, learn new skills and be a part of a team that supported each other’s achievements. While in Year 10, I was also a part of the Touch Football Development Squad ran by Ms Parodi to develop our skills, preparing us for the Firsts Team. This was an essential benefit as I learnt a lot of skills to improve in the sport so that I may one day play in the Firsts. 


At the end of Year 10, I tried out for the ‘Firsts Team’ as I thought that my skills were improving, and I had a chance to represent Ivanhoe Grammar School in such a fun sport. Soon later, I found out that I had made the team, which I was super happy about. Since then, I have made so many friends, developed my skills in the sport, and driven Ivanhoe School to success. Being a part of a team like this, instils a sense of school spirit and pride as we represent the Ivanhoe Grammar School Community. This experience has been so rewarding, we have all had the opportunity to work on our individual character development by enforcing qualities such as responsibility, integrity, resilience, and perseverance, qualities which describe what being an Ivanhoe Learner is all about.