Year 5 Camp

Year 5 Camp at Buckley House 

Jacquline Tan, Year 6 student



On Tuesday the 20 February, Buckley House Year 5 students went on a four day water-based camp to Aireys Inlet. Over the past week, I have spoken to students Rohan, Demi, Maddy, Oscar, Hannah and Katie who had many amazing things to say about their journey. 


A favourite activity everybody loved, was of course, SURFING!! Surfing was set on a beach in Torquay, and they got lucky because that weather was hot. Along with that there was the estuary studies, canoeing, the Aireys Inlet light house tour, a one hour solo on the beach, trivia night, and tree planting. This year, the Year 5 students were quite lucky because due to the high bushfire weather, they took a drive to a water park in Geelong!  




Another activity everyone loved was the estuary studies. The estuary was all about learning how the freshwater and the seawater were connected. There was also canoeing in a nearby lake where they sat with a partner rowing in synchronisation having so much fun.  


The Year 5 students first Solo experience was memorable. After dinner, the students spent an hour reflecting watching the sunset. Trivia Night was organised by the Year 11 leaders who joined them on their camp. Tree planting was the final activity of camp where students spent time giving back to the beautiful environment.  


 After asking the students if they enjoyed camp, all of them had said a definite yes! Everyone agreed that surfing was the most enjoyable as the had good hot weather. Overall it was an amazing camp!