Me and My Girl

Ridgeway Campus 2024, Musical 

The Ivanhoe Theatre Community

Penelope Loveridge - Lead in the 2024 Musical 


Participating in Me and My Girl has honestly been a venture far beyond my comfort zone, yet one of the most enriching experiences I have been a part of thus far, during my time at Ivanhoe Grammar. 


As someone who has never had a leading role in a school musical before, the idea of singing, dancing, and acting on stage, in front of a whole audience initially seemed daunting and so scary, almost to the point where I was ready to throw in the towel and leave the production altogether. However, with rehearsals filled with laughter and hard work led by directors who have provided nothing less than their endless support, I have been able to gradually find my voice and the confidence to perform in front of my peers, and soon to be, the Ivanhoe community. 


The musical has provided me with an immense amount of opportunities that I am so grateful for. Not only has the musical given me the chance to create long-lasting bonds with people across all years, I have also been granted with the opportunity to learn from such talented directors, who have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience when it comes to the world of theatre. In particular I would like to thank Mr. Murphy and Tracy Morley. I have learned so much from these two, and without their support, and faith in me, I don’t think I would have ever seen myself having the confidence to perform in front of hundreds of people, four nights in a row. 


In essence, the musical has been one of the best things I have been a part of at Ivanhoe Grammar School, and if you are anything like me and want to step outside your comfort zone and try something new, the musical is the perfect place to do that!






M Wyss - Lead in the 2024 Musical 


Being a part of Performing Arts at Ivanhoe, particularly the musical has been like finding a second home. I am so grateful to be a part of it all, more than words can describe. Our 2024 production ‘Me and My Girl’ is a hilarious show, has been an incredible opportunity. However, it’s not all about the performing, this musical has allowed me to build so many new connections across year levels and has allowed my confidence to continue to grow. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon you will find me at Locksley, rehearsing with the kindest group of individuals, it is most definitely the highlight of my day. 


It’s the moments at rehearsals, where I’m surrounded by friends, creating memories that I will cherish long after I graduate. Our director, Mr Murphy, is an extraordinary teacher who has helped so many students at Ivanhoe grow into incredible individuals through his undying support and kindness. I personally have found that he has helped push my skills in performing arts further than I could have ever imagined and allowed me to begin to discover my potential. If you've ever considered joining the musical, just go for it. Trust me, you won't regret it. It's an experience like no other.