School Captains' Address

Ridgeway Campus, School Captain Induction Speech  

Alana Edgley and Hamish Noonan




Good afternoon everyone, we would like to start by thanking all the guests for being here today to celebrate the induction of the 2024 leadership team and the quality of leadership at our school. Firstly, we would like to say a massive congratulations to the prefect team, who have all shown an incredible ability to contribute positively to the School and knowing you all, we have every faith you will continue to do so with us next year.  


We would also like to express our gratitude to Jess and Vangeli for their service and leadership within the School over the past year and for the inspiring legacy you have both left behind.  


Hamish and I are incredibly grateful to have the opportunity, alongside Yosip and Anata as your School Captains for 2024, to support and inspire the students of this school. We would like to share our vision with you all for this next year, although, I start by saying it is not about making radical changes to our school, it is about expanding and improving what we currently have to offer. We hope to continue to empower each and every student within our community to succeed and grow in their own way and feel their voice is heard and has the power to make a difference. We also want to emphasise our own approachability in further creating such a diverse and inclusive culture, which has been built over the years by past prefects and captains. These aims are shared by the prefect group, who we are excited to work with over the next year.  




Hello everyone, following on from Alana I would like to begin by saying that we are very honoured to be in this position today. A position we promise to utilise to improve the great school we find ourselves within.  


One of these improvements is culture.


A major way we plan on doing this is through improving the strong existing culture at Ivanhoe. The word culture is thrown around Ivanhoe constantly. Ask any alumni on why they enjoyed their experiences at Ivanhoe, or why Mr Fox has been working here for over 30 years,  to which I believe they will most likely reply with: the special culture we have. Now I want to encourage everyone in this room to consider, what is so great about the culture at Ivanhoe Grammar School? Well I invite you all to keep this idea in your head as we progress through this speech. 



As a part of being leaders in 2024, we will strive to create an environment where each student matters, and their voice can be heard. Our vision is one of unity and cohesion. Between all year levels, between students and teachers, and across campuses. Both Anata and Yosip’s presence here today is evidence of Ivanhoe’s existing commitment to inclusivity, which has grown over the past couple of years following the pandemic.  


A central goal of ours this year is to enhance our inclusivity. The key to success in developing inclusivity at our school rests on everybody in this hall today. We should strive to work on this goal together to create the best year possible for all students in our school, particularly for the Year 12s who are commencing their final year. I would like to address all Year 12s directly now, in saying that each of us got inducted today as leaders of the School, demonstrating that everyone has the capacity to lead. I hope you can let this serve as motivation for evoking positive change in our community. 


Positive change starts with everyone at this school, and as a part of improving our inclusivity, we want to provide a voice to each diverse member of our community. We want everyone to feel they can come and talk to us. Whether this is just in the hallways saying hi, or coming to us with ideas that will improve our school. Whilst our school is steeped in tradition, it also welcomes progression and innovative change, and your ideas, with the help of the prefect team who can help get them off the ground, can truly create a lasting impact on our school community.  





With regards to empowerment, we want everyone to feel that they come out of this next year having grown as people, to be more confident, more involved, more compassionate and to recognise their own leadership capacity. The ability to lead is in everyone. Some of the most powerful acts of leadership do not require formal titles. It starts with each and every one of us, from the seniors in Year 12 to the newest members in Year 7. It begins with recognising the unique strengths that each person brings to our community and having the confidence to put forward these abilities in a positive way in the safe and supportive environment of Ivanhoe, an environment which we are all responsible for creating.  


It starts with the small, day-to-day interactions. It's about lifting your eyes beyond your immediate circle of friends, seeing the needs of others, and taking action. Empowerment is the cumulative effect of individuals making a difference, one person at a time. Imagine the ripple effect when everyone lends a helping hand – the potential is enormous. This notion goes hand in hand with encouraging everyone to step out of their comfort zones. This school is about more than academia, it's about growing new passions and skills in all areas, whether that be in our sports teams, in music and performing arts, in debating or global citizenship. I especially encourage those who haven’t been involved in activities like these before to have a go. Those in year 12, this is our last chance to give these things a try and to the Year 10s who have just joined us, the senior years will provide you with many new opportunities so I encourage you to get involved wherever you can.  


It's in these moments of discomfort, where we step out of familiarity, that we grow, learn, and truly make a difference. So, let's commit to a school culture where empowerment is a daily practice, and stepping out of our comfort zones becomes second nature. Together, let's create a community where everyone leads, everyone contributes, and everyone feels a sense of belonging. 



Perhaps it is the sense of belonging and community that creates the enriching culture at our school. As Captains we will strive to measure our success through how the fellow students feel by the end of the year. Where every voice is heard and contribution is valued. Our mission simply is to amplify the existing culture of our school, and create a positive environment for connections to be forged. 


And look, I can guarantee that Alana and I, and the perfect team, will be working very hard throughout the year to instigate change, but I think that the ultimate goal and what we are most excited for, is to have an enjoyable and impactful 2024 with you all. 




Ivanhoe Grammar Alumni School Captains
Ivanhoe Grammar Alumni School Captains