Visual Art

Annie Liao, Year 11 IB Visual Art

IB Visual Arts Seminar 

Zoe Merory, Year 11 IB 


On Sunday 11 February, all IB Visual Arts students participated in a seminar and exhibition walk. We received a goodie bag filled with fun art supplies, and entered an auditorium where we had a brief discussion where previous IB students share their own portfolios. This was very beneficial as we received helpful tips for our own Visual Arts journey. 


Afterwards, Year 1 and Year 2 students split from each other. The Year 1 students received more lectures regarding each part of the visual arts assessment, being the comparative study, exhibition and process portfolio. These lectures were given to us from official IB examiners, which gave us insight into how the marking works. After these three lectures we had time for some lunch before getting to have a look at the exhibition gallery. This gallery contained many artworks from the newly graduated IB students in Melbourne, including some from Ivanhoe Grammar as well. After getting a small look around, we were able to move between three finished IB visual arts students who shared their artworks, process, inspiration, and the overall experience of IB art. We then all joined together again and returned to the auditorium for our final lectures. These lectures were more focused on artists and their specific artworks and the explanation of their processes. We heard from Ara Dolatian, whose artworks were based around cultural ecologies surrounding lost and stolen Mesopotamian artefacts. Along with Brodie Ellis, whose art explores contemporary ecological concerns between science and ethics, presented through site-specific explorations. And finally, we heard from Nic Plowman, his practices including painting, printmaking and sculpture with artworks based of his own life experiences. 


Overall, the experience was both intriguing and informative, it gave myself and others a chance to properly understand IB Visual Arts and to see the amazing artworks people create.  




University Campus Art

Rhiannon Petit, Year 9
Lucas Harsley, Year 9
Teresa Huang, Year 9
Rhiannon Petit, Year 9
Lucas Harsley, Year 9
Teresa Huang, Year 9



Year 8 Self Portraits
Year 8 Self Portraits



Year 10 Ceramics
Year 10 Ceramics