Welcome Year 7 Students

My First Day of Year 7

Alice Durran, Year 7 Student


I woke up early on the first day of Year 7, and I was so excited to start at a new school. I knew no one from primary school, but there were so many different opportunities to meet people, like the Fun Day, a small meet and greet day, Orientation Day, and the Transition Day. 


On our first day, we spent the first few hours trying to perfect opening our lockers, and with each new subject we were taken around the school on short tours, trying to remember where we would need to go. However, during these first few days, I still got lost a few times, ending up outside the wrong room, and forgetting books. We also took our “Class of 2029” year level photo, and we all sat together on the steps of the North Ground looking at the camera down below. 


I have found that the teachers here are so friendly and with each new day, I meet new people in different classes. Getting to school is also a big change, from being just across the road, to now needing to catch the train each morning. Although it may be different, I have found it fun and exciting. 


I’m really looking forward to spending the next six years here and I’m super excited to be part of the Class of 2029! 






Andre Garfi – Year 7 Student 


Starting Year 7 has been a rollercoaster of emotions.  Having nearly completed my first full week at Ivanhoe Grammar School, I have been faced with some challenges, but I am glad to see that I have survived.  


During the summer holidays, I had often thought about what starting Year 7 was going to be like such as, the workload and making new friends, given I have come to this school knowing no one.  About two weeks ago when I was ready to start my journey, I realised how soon I was going to be starting school, because prior to that point I still had the mindset that I was a primary schooler about to start yet another year with my regular friends, at my regular school. But boy was I wrong. 


Then when I came to school on Wednesday for half of the day, I started to get a feel of what being in high school felt like. My brain exploded with all the things I had to remember, all the work I had to do, and all the responsibilities I would have.  


Now comes to the present day, I have been very overwhelmed throughout this week, but I know soon it is going to get better, because I am going to get used to this new chapter of my life that I have started. I know I am going to make some amazing friends that I will stick by for the next six years, and hopefully the rest of my life. 


I have been told not just by my teachers, but also by my parents that I have some great things to look forward to in the coming weeks. I am most looking forward to Year 7 camp in only two weeks because I hope to meet lots of new people and make some new friends. I am excited to begin this high school experience and know that there is lots to learn in the coming years.