Editor's Address

Welcome to The Ivy Voice!

Grace Alberti and Mia Garfi, Year 11, Ridgeway Campus 



Hello everyone and welcome to the 12th edition of Ivy Voice! 


This is our first edition as Co-Chief Editors and we are ecstatic to be sharing our first release with the Ivanhoe Grammar School community. We hope that Term 1 has been going as smoothly as possible for all Ivanhoe Grammar School students and we trust that this edition will encapsulate some of the highlights of the year thus far, including our ECP achievements. The Ivy Voice team has been working to source the best articles from our students who show specific talent in a chosen field, and we hope that these pieces will encourage our younger students to get involved in what Ivanhoe Grammar School has to offer and showcase our efforts to our external community.  



For any further queries or contributions for The Ivy Voice, please don't hesitate to contact us or the editors on the following emails below :)


Chief Editors

Mia Garfi & Grace Alberti - Year 11

Ridgeway Campus





We would like to acknowledge the founding Chief Editors of the Ivy Voice, Harriet Thorpe and Emilie Mckenna (2020). Their innovation and creativity founded this platform as an outlet for sharing student voice, which we hope to continue to build. A huge thank you to Victoria who took on Ivy Voice and passed this mission onto us.







Chief Editors


Grace Alberti 




Mia Garfi 







Victoria Sze




Alice Waite




Maddie Rodd




Samantha Garbutt




Riley Tyebji 
