Student Awards

Student of the Week 09/02/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Lottie | For working well all week. You are a great listener and always complete your work to a high standard. Great effort Lottie. |
P1M | Sasha | Sasha has had a fantastic start to Year One. She is a kind and caring student who possesses a very positive attitude towards her learning with an eagerness and desire to learn more. Sasha always comes into the classroom with a cheeky smile and is a wonderful friend to all the prep / one students. Well done, Sasha. Keep up your effort and kindness! |
12C | Elijah | For having a great start to the term. You have applied yourself and completed some great work. Keep it up! |
34R | Seth | For working responsibly in all learning areas. He is eager to learn and always gives his best effort. Congratulations on being chosen by the class for the Junior School Council Seth! |
34S | Alannah, Archie, Jacob, Lexi, Mason, Matilda, Scarlett, Thea, Zoey | Matilda, congratulations on your speech this week, nominating yourself for the position of Junior School Councillor for 34S. Although you were unsuccessful this year, I encourage you to be a leader without a badge and to try for the JSC again in 2025. |
56H | Ajay | For taking responsibility for your own learning in Reading this week. You have developed a routine of daily reading, ensuring you have a new text each night. Keep up the good work Ajay! |
56W | Millie | For making a fantastic poster about the responsible use of ICT in the classroom. You always treat your class mates with respect and are a great role model for younger students. |
Science | Thegn | This week’s Science Award goes to a student who didn’t give up and continued to try new methods to improve his Rubber-band launcher. This allowed him to achieve the longest distance in the school. Congratulations to Thegn. |
Art | Evelyn | For a great effort in art and drawing a self-portrait, Evelyn was able to complete her portrait with balance and good proportions. |
Values Rohan | Siara | This week’s Values Award goes to a new student who has settled in well and is already following the school values to a high level. Congratulations to Siara. |
Student of the Week 16/02/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Amelia | For being a positive classmate who works independently, listens to instructions and is kind to others. |
P1M | Eli | For persisting during our writing activities, your letter formation has improved so much. You should be so proud. |
12C | Lyric | For having a great week. You have shown that you are a kind and caring student who is willing to help others. Keep up the great work! |
34R | Craig | For confidently challenging himself in his learning. He has completed some amazing work this week. Keep up the great work Craig! |
34S | Bella | A wonderful week! You have settled in so well. You are a polite and hardworking girl who has made plenty of good friends in the few weeks you have been at NPS – Well done Bella! |
56H | Indy | For demonstrating excellent leadership skills throughout the week; you efficiently complete additional tasks when requested, are always eager to help others and take on jobs that need doing around our school, and yet you keep up with all your class work! Well done, Indy!
56W | Jack | For representing the school brilliantly at the GRIP leadership conference. You did a fantastic job completing your role in the play.
Science | Mason | This week’s Science Award goes to a student who applied himself fully to all classroom learning activities, used his manners and produced outstanding work for the topic of Hybrid Animals. Congratulations to Mason. |
Art | Bella | For caring for Art and being a responsible artist. Bella’s help in the Art room this week was amazing. |
Values Rohan | Logan | This week’s Values award goes to a student who has attempted all work to the best of his ability, has remained focused, improved his Maths and has assisted others in the school community. Congratulations to Logan. |