From the Principal's desk

Students have been enjoying the weather during recess and lunchtimes. With a few days of hot weather coming up can you please make sure your child has a drink bottle with water and a hat for outside play. Classrooms have really settled into a routine and students have met all of our new specialist teachers. Please continue to ask your child about their day and something that went well for them.
GRIP Student Leadership Day
Congratulations to our student leaders who attended the GRIP student leadership day last week, you represented the school in a fantastic way and were very enthusiastic when participating in all of the activities.
Morning school arrival
Just a reminder to students arriving to school in the mornings. Students need to arrive as close to 8:45am as possible. If you need to drop your child to school early please book your child into TheirCare so they can be supervised. The building will be open from 8:45am for students to come in, put their bag away and get ready for the school day.
Victorian State School Spectacular
I will be sending more information home to those students who have put their name down to participate in the VSSS24. Please look out for this in hard copy and via Compass later on in the week. I was very impressed with the number of students wanting to participate.
Our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the 2024 NAPLAN testing between March 13th and 25th. All tests will be online apart from the Year 3 Writing which will be paper based. Students will have time during class to participate in practice sessions and complete NAPLAN style questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher. Please click on the link below for more information for parents and carers.