From the Principal's desk

Our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students had a fun activity afternoon on Thursday night. I saw some very tired Year 2 students on Friday morning. Thank you to the junior teaching staff and education support staff. A special shout out to Lyn Young for sharing her famous songs and dances with the students and Georgie Cleary and Gemma Tilley for staying with the students overnight.
We have a lot of exciting events coming up in December to finish the term.
Friday 6th: Colour Fun Run and BBQ, please remember to hand in your forms
Tuesday 10th: State-wide Orientation Day - Students will have some time in their new year levels. 2024 Year 6 students will spend the day at the new Secondary College
Wednesday 11th: Concert dress rehearsal and Concert night - please see a Compass coming from your classroom teacher for more information
Thursday 12th: Matinee concert
Friday 13th: NPS Pool fun day
Monday 16th: Arts Activity Day - If any parents are interested in helping out on this day can you please let me know via the office
Thursday 19th: Last day for students
In-line with our SunSmart policy, all students must wear a broadbrim or bucket hat when outside during Terms 1 and 4. School hats are available from SPORTF1RST to purchase. Students who do not have a hat will need to stay under the shade at recess and lunch times.
2025 Classes
We will be very busy over the next couple of weeks working out our classes and teaching staff for 2025. The structure of our classes at this stage will be:
- Prep/Year 1
- 2 x Year 1/Year 2
- Year 3/4
- Year 4/5
- 2 x Year 5/6
Last week I sent out a Compass message to all families around special request for class placements for 2025. Just a reminder that all requests need to be submitted by Friday the 29th November.
2025 Prep
The Prep transition sessions will continue each Thursday until the State-wide Orientation Day on the 10th of December. The students have been having so much fun participating in the activities. If any families have not sent back enrolment forms for a child starting in 2025, please contact the office to organise this as soon as possible.