Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Stage 3 Reports and Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews
By the end of Week 7, student reports will be posted on the TASS Parent Lounge and as per the College Calendar, Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 4 December in two sessions, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM and then 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. The optional interviews will take place in your son’s classroom and students are expected to wear their full school summer uniform (without blue cap). For Mathematics interviews, please email your son’s Mathematics teacher directly to arrange a mutually suitable time around other scheduled interviews.
The interview booking facility in TASS will be open to parents/carers at 9:00 AM on Friday 22 November and will close at 12:00 noon on Tuesday 3 December.
Curriculum & Learning - Stage 3
Stage 3 students have been busy learning and applying the necessary skills for effective informative writing this term around subject matter, particularly in Geography, Science & Technology and any particular area of interest.
Year 5
Students were asked to plan, edit and write an informative text on a specific topic they are learning about in Geography, Science & technology or an interest area. Please see below excerpts from their written reports they completed in class using their research notes.
Arc de Triomphe
By Leo D (5 Green)
The Sydney Opera House
By Dylan C (5 Blue)
By Nicholas S (5 Blue)
Siamese Fighting Fish
By Derreck L (5 Gold)
Year 6
In their Diverse and Connected World unit, students were asked to research the connections between Australia and China. From this research they generated notes to use to write an informative text in class. As there are many connections, students concentrated their efforts on specific ones that they felt were both relevant and the strongest. Please see below excerpts from their written reports they completed in class.
By Daniel C (6 Blue)
By Luka O (6 Blue)
By Oscar C (6 White)
By Liam B (6 White)
By Darcy P (6 Green)
By Christopher M (6 Green)
The Chinese Garden of Friendship
By Alex V (6 Blue)
By Cooper G (6 Blue)