Faith, Justice and Formation

The Archbishop’s Leadership Forum
On Friday last week, Gideon Benedict, Anthony Naim and I went to the annual Archbishop's Leadership Forum at St Mary's Cathedral. This involved nearly 300 Year 12 Students from Catholic Schools around Sydney discussing the pressing issues we experience as young Catholic leaders. Archbishop Anthony Fisher gave his insight into how we can be strong leaders of the future with respect to our faith.
He described the three "non-negotiables" of being a Christian Leader. Firstly, you must be a ‘foot washer.’ A leader must lead not only through their words but also their actions. Displaying the humility required in leadership, using Jesus as an example, highlighting how he did not place himself above his followers but portrayed gratitude and grace through his actions. His second point called the young leaders to be ‘risk takers.’ To fulfil your role and aspirations, leaders must neglect the fear of judgement or setbacks, striving to break boundaries in the hope of achieving your goals. Finally, leaders must bring joy to the world that is plagued with toxicity and hate. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we must open people up to God's love, as this can turn Christian's away from the dark times in their lives.
There was also open discussion about the concerns revolving around the influence of social media and stigmas in modern society. Many young leaders believe that it is these influences that hinder the youth's ability to practice faith and spark disconnection within their spiritual journeys. Archbishop Fisher also gave his insight on these topics, providing the young leaders with wisdom on how we can integrate and encourage the youth to build fruitful connections with God within the Archdiocese.
The Forum ended with a final blessing from the archbishop, giving us his best wishes for the upcoming year, with the hopes that we can make a positive change to not only our respective schools but the world around us.
Patrick Bressa | Student Wellbeing Prefect
SOL Service 2025
All students have the capacity to commence their 2025 SOL Service now. The program will be slightly adjusted moving forward, but this information will not be emailed out to all parents and students until Thursday 5 December. At this time, you will also receive a recording sheet that can be used in the holidays and stapled into the new 2025 College Diary. All parish and charitable service requires a stamp and signature from the venue (NOT parents) moving forward.
It was evident from this year that many students did not check the lists relevant to their year group which has affected some in completing the program. I strongly suggest that all documentation is read when it comes out. It will also be placed on the TASS Parent Lounge and CANVAS pages.
I currently have spaces available for Year 9 students to do Sandwich Making and Snack Packing on Friday 22 November, Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 November, and Friday 20 December and Tuesday 24 December. (An email will be sent regarding the following dates – 13, 17 and 22 January.) Students should see me to book in. Other emails will be sent over the holidays for other possible service offered by the College.
Thank You
Thank you to all the Year 7 families who contributed to the Year 7 Justice Partnership collection for the House of Welcome pantry last Friday. The items were delivered to the venue on the same day. These simple gestures and acts of generosity go a long way. The partners were most grateful, especially at this time of year.
Thank you SO much!
Gillian Daley
Director of Identity