Deputy Principal

Old Boys Businessman's Dinner
Last Wednesday a small group of Old Boys gathered in the Scientia Building for dinner. The night was a chance for these men to reconnect and talk about ways that they could support the school. Br Berg from the Class of 1948 was in attendance and I can tell you that for someone who is over ninety years of age, his mind is still so sharp, and it was a privilege for me to get to know him better and understand the rich history and culture of the College. There were representatives from most decades who have gone out and forged distinguished careers in industries that included politics, charities, oil and gas, technology, construction, education, finance, and law.
The night centred around producing ideas on how best they could give back to the College and as we move towards our centenary there will be further discussions where I am sure some of their ideas will come to fruition. These include investing in our Vestra Fund for bursaries and building further career paths for our current students through mentorship.
It was a very enjoyable evening as I said to staff last week when I told them about the night. We should be immensely proud of the young men that graduate from this College because the men that I had dinner with last week are continuing to 'let their light shine' to help those less fortunate.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal