Holy Cross News and Reminders

What's happening next week...

Monday 2nd DecemberEssendon Football Club Player Visit 
Tuesday 3rd December

Year 6 Graduation - Mass at 6 pm 

Dinner at Holy Cross at 7 pm

Wednesday 4th DecemberParent Information Session Prep - 2 Literacy 9.15am - 10.00am
Thursday 5th DecemberYear 6 Social Justice Market 
Friday 6th December

2025 Prep Transition, session 3, 9.30am 

Whole school Prayer Gathering Prep,  3pm

News and Reminders

  • Assembly this afternoon at 3pm (Friday 29th)
  • Year 2 will be hosting our Bake Stall after assembly today. The stall will be set up outside the canteen area.



Our Year 6 children will be hosting a Social Justice Market next Thursday 5th December. Children have been busy planning their market stall which will offer either goods or services. All proceeds from the Market will go to Edgar's Mission.

The Market Stall will operate throughout the day and items or services will be all 50c. Please send some money along with your child so they can participate. More information to come next week via Operoo.



2025 Annual Tuition Fees


Please see information attached below regarding changes in tuition fees for the 2025 academic year.