Debating Report

Avila-Huntingtower Debating Competition
We are students who participated in the Huntingtower and Avila Debating competition—a friendly experience designed for new debaters in Years 7 and 8 to try debating for the first time against Avila, consisting of three rounds. Our team was made up mostly of newcomers, and we had an amazing time. We helped each other with preparations, sharing ideas and strategies, and spent hours practicing and refining our arguments together.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the dedication of the teachers and students who gave their time to make this competition happen. A huge shout-out goes to Mr. McDonald, who guided us through structuring our arguments, taught us the art of persuasive speaking, organized extra period 6 sessions for all participants, and provided content and support for new debaters.
The effort and preparation from all 70 students was remarkable, and each debate was executed with full enthusiasm. Everyone brought their best to every meeting and debate. For us, it was a chance to improve our persuasive speaking skills in front of an audience. All the teams we faced showed great sportsmanship and kindness, with handshakes at the end of every round.
In the end, this experience was about much more than just winning or losing. Yes, we celebrated strong performances, but the true value came from the friendships we formed, the skills we gained, and the confidence we built along the way.
Katie B and Akshaya K
Year 7 Debaters
DAV Junior Secondary Program
The Junior Secondary Program of DAV is a debating program for Year 7 and 8 students held across terms 3 and 4. This year, we entered four teams in the competition, all of which won their final two rounds. It was a fantastic opportunity to try various debating roles and practice different styles of argument. Overall, it was an incredible experience and a great stepping stone to other debating competitions in senior school. I would highly recommend this competition to any aspiring debaters or public speakers.
Elen G
Year 8 Debater