Around the Grounds - Junior School

Prep Lemon Tree
Our Prep students received their plaque to place beneath the tree they planted earlier this year. We’re excited to watch both the Preps and their tree grow over the next 13 years!
Indonesia Day
Indonesia Day, held on Friday 8 November at Huntingtower Junior School, was a vibrant celebration of Indonesian culture. The students enjoyed captivating performances of traditional dances from three different Indonesian islands, showcasing the rich diversity of the country’s heritage. After the performances, the children had the opportunity to learn Indonesian dances themselves, engaging in a fun and interactive cultural experience. They also participated in a creative activity, making colorful Indonesian mask artwork, which allowed them to explore the artistic traditions of the region. It was a day filled with learning, creativity, and appreciation for Indonesia's cultural richness.
Firefighting with Preps!
Prep students had an amazing time fighting fires with Fire Rescue Victoria!