Parent's Association
Colour Fun Run
Our #ColourHT event is next Friday! Here’s all of the information you need to know.
When: The run will start at 2pm on Friday, November 15th , and will finish at 3:30pm. Kids will bedismissed directly after the event.
What will happen: There will be an obstacle course set up on the oval, and each year level will runthe course in small groups. Be prepared to get a little wet, and very colourful!! After their runstudents will be given a Zooper Dooper.
Who can come: Parents are welcome to attend from 2pm. If you’d like to volunteer to help, pleaseindicate via the link below.
What to bring on the day:
- Students can come to school dressed in clothes appropriate for the colour run, including a
white t-shirt. Students who DO NOT wish to be squirted with colour powder should wear a
coloured t-shirt. - All students should also wear sunscreen and hats as the event will be outside.
The following items are also recommended:-
Goggles or sunglasses-
Change of clothes-
Plastic bag
Colour Fun Run Permission: Please provide your permission for your child/ren to particpate in the event by Wednesday 13th November.
Fundraising and costs: We are doing things a bit differently this time around. To cover the cost ofrunning the event there is a participation fee of $10 per child. If you cannot afford the fee, pleasedon’t stress we won’t let anyone miss out.
The fundraising component is the Colour Run raffle. All proceeds will go towards school initativessuch as brightening up our outdoor spaces at the school, and investing in more outdoor activities.Raffle entries will close at 12pm on Thursday 14th November.
Both fee and raffle tickets can be accessed by CDF pay -
Prizes:1. Please see the attached flyer with prizes and ticket information.2. Our raffle will be drawn at the event.3. Raffle ticket holders will also be in the draw to participate in a COLOUR PARTY!– wherethey will be given their own powder to colour each other (and perhaps some parents andteachers!).
We need your help: Please respond below if you can help on the day - times available are as follows:
- Set up from 12pm-2pm- At the event 1.30pm - 3.30pm- Pack up from 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Thanks for your support of this initiative!
Please follow the PA on Facebook for all of the latest information and to have any questions answered! You can also email us at
Many thanks,