Star Students

Star Students for the Fortnight

 Term 4

 Weeks 5 and 6 


The following students have been awarded a Star Student Award.

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Jovanny Declo

For always doing his best work and sharing this work with others.

Well done Jovanny

Nathanael Basil

For being prepared and sharing his news with the class.

Well done Nathanael

Mrs Wardle:

Abigail Harris

For writing a lovely sentence in her Country of Colour book.

 Well done, Abby!

Reiyaan Negi

For settling into the classroom with ease. 

Well done, Reiyaan!

Mrs Weber:

Bella Harlow 

For writing entertaining and detailed recounts during Rocket Writing. 

Super work Bella!

Aarav Dhonde

For being settled and working well during independent activities.

Well done Aarav!

Mr Maskell:

Harshan Aulakh

For working hard and asking questions to improve his understanding.

Rudhvin Pratheep

For working extra hard on your Atrocious Animal diorama.  

Putting in your best effort.

Mrs Nicholson:

Stefan Caltieri

For showing good research skills and writing a great information report. 

Well done Stefan!

Ben Zurawski 

For working hard researching and writing his report about an atrocious animal.  

Well done Ben!

Mrs Drummond:

Harley Ridden 

For always being a great role model in our space and for 

putting in your best effort in writing. 

Well done!

Mark Jacob Mobin 

For his persistence and attention to detail in all learning tasks. 

Mark always puts in his best effort.  

Mr Andronaco:

Tilly Staggard 

For your great directional skills in mathematics, 

and your independent work in literacy. Great work Tilly!

Mapieu Tiny 

For taking pride in his reading and always showing respect on the floor. 

Great work Mapieu. 

Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Violet Richardson

 For the wonderful historical retell about the Victorian Gold Rush. 

You have put a fantastic amount of effort into your writing.

You should be proud of yourself! 

Well done, Violet!

Mrs Anderson:

Elsie Lamb

For the amazing effort you put into your picture story book title ‘The Titanic’. 

You have researched well and the presentation of your book is amazing. 

Excellent work!

Gar Gar

For staying on task when completing your story book titled ‘The Flood’. 

Your book is fantastic!

Well Done!

Mr O'Hara:

Nyageng Madan

For making great progress in putting detail into her historical recount. 

Great work Nyageng!

Marlee Nicholson

For his amazing improvement in his testing and tutoring sessions. 

Keep it up Marlee!

Mrs Dainton:

Jack has been working very well with his Report Writing pieces. 

Jack consistently structures his writing so that it is easy for his audience to

follow his ideas and opinions.

Well done Jack!

Amelia for her smooth transition into our classroom. 

Amelia works well in all curriculum areas.

Well Done Amelia!

Mr Howley:

Ryan for his very concise report about turtles. 

Ryan investigated turtles and then presented an informative report.

Sara for her work in Mathematics. 

Sara has mastered her multiplication tables and is able to apply her operations to 

solve worded problems

Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Taliya McLennan

For her outstanding application to all of her work and for consistently displaying a positive attitude towards her schooling.  

Well done Taliya! 

Pray Reebdeeya

For showing his ability to work hard during class time. 

Pray is continuing to show growth, well done Pray!

Mr Beks:

      Lily Giuliani

For being an outstanding student all year in 2024.

      Tom Bicknell

For showing great growth within his learning all year

Mr Poppa:

Seth Grimes: 

Chef Grimes - what a great job you are doing with your cooking.  


Imogen Sargent:

for continually working hard, showing great manners and always having a smile.  

Mille Grazie.

Mr Searle:

Nasrin Davoudi

For her amazing growth during PAT testing. 

Nasrin has shown amazing intellectual development during this semester. 

Amazing work!

Ilisha Silva

For her outstanding behaviour and positive attitude inside the classroom.

Well done Ilisha! 

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Olivia Hernan

For your great imagination during our free writes. 

You always have lots of ideas flowing and you are naturally great at writing stories, amazing work Liv!

Hudson Woods

For showing great leadership skills during the 5/6 Kickball tournament. 

You are a great future leader Hudson, keep up the great work!