Student Wellbeing

Happy School Holidays and Wellbeing

As fun and exciting the school holidays are, children no longer have their regular routines, supports from school and connection with their friends daily. This may cause children to feel stressed, isolated and alone.

How you can best support your child’s wellbeing during the school holidays.


Encourage connection

Social relationships are important to your young person’s general wellbeing. Friends can provide both play and support and spending time with friends is important for keeping and building existing friendships.


Encourage physical activity

Physical activity is important for everyone’s health and wellbeing. Small activities like walking around the block can help relieve stress and frustration, provide a good distraction from worries, and improve concentration and mood.


Encourage a regular routine

Getting a good night’s sleep helps young people to feel energised, focused, and motivated. Sensible bedtimes, daily routines and good nutrition are important in ensuring your break is a success. It is important to get back into routine for school, as the festive season comes to an end. This will make getting up for school and back into routine a lot easier.


Check in

Asking how your child is feeling every few days. Are they getting enough rest, time outside and connection. It’s not about having fun every minute of the day, it’s about rest and replenishment so children are healthy and happy.


Who can help?

Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 

Confidential telephone and online counseling services for young people aged 5 – 25 years old.


Headspace – 1800 650 890  

Online and telephone services 12 – 25 years for young people worried about their mental health or experiencing issues such as depression, bullying or isolation.


Lifeline – 13 11 14

Crisis telephone counselling and information services for any age.


Crisis Care – 1800 199 008

Provides information and counselling services for people in crisis.