Religious Education & Faith Life
The Nativity
The word Nativity comes from the Latin word ‘natal’ which means birth.
More than seven hundred years ago Saint Francis of Assisi decided that he would tell the
Christmas story in a way that it had never been told before. Most people could not read and so he set up a stable scene in a cave not far from his home in Assisi. He used real
people and animals to help him tell the story and people came from far and near to see
what he was doing. As they gathered around him, Saint Francis told them how Jesus had
been born in a stable because there was no room anywhere else in the town. He also told
them how angels appeared to the shepherds with the Good news of Jesus’ birth. Saint
Francis’ idea quickly became an important part of Christmas celebrations all over the
world. Many people today have Nativity sets in their homes leading up to Christmas.
Baby Jesus is traditionally put in the manger on and after Christmas day until the 6 January.