Principal's Address

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our second newsletter for the term. The first 2 weeks flew by, but as the saying goes; time flies when you are having fun. Last week I received an offer for my contract to be extended until the end of the 2024 school year. I happily accepted and am excited to continue to be part of the Moonie State School community.
This Wednesday Mrs Catherine Baker will be teaching the Year 3-6 class as I will be attending the Cluster Principal meeting which is being held in Glen Morgan.
Our current attendance rate is 90.7%.
School Led Review - Save the Date
As I discussed in the last newsletter this term who are undertaking a school-led review. In Week 6, on Tuesday 21st May 2.45 om we will be having a parents afternoon tea where all staff will join together to discuss the review and provide an opportunity for families to give feedback. There will also be a survey which all parents can participate in. If you would like to speak with me individually regarding the review, please do not hesitate to contact the school and make an appointment; I welcome all feedback.
Sports Trials
Congratulations to all of our 11- and 12-year-old students who have participated in Touch and Soccer trials this year. Josie Nolan has been selected int he Tara and District Touch team and Douglas, Connor and Caleb attended the cluster Soccer trials and were successful in being selected. They will now trial to be part of the Tara and District team. Well done to everyone for having a go and representing Moonie State School.
Cross Country
Thank you to everyone who attended the Kookies vs Emu's cross-country carnival. It was wonderful seeing so many parents there to support their children. Congratulations to every single Moonie student who ran on the day. I am so impressed with your effort.
Last Wednesday we attended the cluster Cross Country and Ball Games Carnival which again saw almost all students participate. Josie, Douglas, Connor, Caleb and Tameera will continue on to the South West Cross Country trials. I was so proud of all students for doing their best.
Principal Award
Congratulations to last week's award recipient, Caleb Hiles! Caleb is always ready to lend a hand. Every week he helps Diana in the tuckshop by emptying the bins and is always the first to put his hand up to offer help. This week's award recipient is Charlie Wilkins. Charlie is a kind and caring student who is making great choices when solving problems. Keep up the excellent work Charlie.
Brain Teaser
A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a greenhouse made from?
Until next time,