Principal's Report

Simone Roy

Term 2 has kicked off well, and it was lovely to see so many organised students wearing their winter jumpers now that the mornings are cooler.

Camps and Excursions

At 5.30 on Monday morning, Ann Bellingham, Lenny Comerford, Chris Greenhalgh and Hannah Little were at school to meet a tired, albeit excited group of students. They caught the bus, train, another bus and finally the ferry to Tasmania! They have spent the week on the Middle School camp, soaking in the sights and historical atmosphere of Hobart and surrounding areas.


At the same time, Nicole Lodge and Le-Anne McCraw met their Art and Media students for a day trip. Their destination was Melbourne and the Seasons of Excellence exhibition. This showcases exemplars of folios that the students have to complete as part of their Year 12 (Unit 3 and 4) coursework. It's a really important opportunity for students to be able to see what kind of expectations are required for their work.


Thanks to all these staff that have given up time to accompany the students on these valuable experiences.

School Council Sub-committees

School Council currently has 2 sub-committees and we are seeking any interested parents to join in. The Finance sub-committee and Facilities and Maintenance sub-committee meet in the week before a School Council meeting, usually during the day for about an hour. If you are interested, please contact me. 

Week 2

Next week, the House Athletics Carnival is being held on Tuesday. Students are encouraged to dress in their house colours. All students should attend, as it is a school event. It is always a great day, with lots of fun with friends, plus a bit of competitive spirit; having a crowd to cheer and encourage participants makes the day even better. All families are encouraged to drop down to school to support their child/ren. If you have some time and would like to volunteer to help out, please contact Jenny Farrington before Tuesday.


Thursday is ANZAC Day. Our School Captains will be speaking and Vice Captains will lay a wreath at the RSL commemoration service at 10.30. ANZAC Day gives all Australians the opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices that our service men and women have made over the years, and appreciate the freedoms we are privileged to have, that they fought for, that are easy to take for granted. Lest we forget.