Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 8 May
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Thursday 9 May
Girls in Physics Breakfast, VCE students, 8am in the Conference room
Year 9 - Year 12 Young Women in Trades & Tech expo excursion
Friday 10 May
Intermediate Girls AFL Round Robin
Monday 13 May
DSC House Athletics Carnival, Doncaster Athletics track
Tuesday 14 May
Intermediate Boys AFL Round Robin
Wednesday 15 May
My Urban Art excursion, Melbourne CBD
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 May
Instrumental Music Camp
Wednesday 22 May
Year 9 Cluster Day - Makers
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Thursday 23 May
Year 7 - Year 9 SEAL Maths CAT competition
Friday 24 May
Year 9 Assembly
Wednesday 29 May
Year 9 Cluster Day - Makers
VCE Subject Expo Day
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Tuesday 4 June
Music Winter Concert
Wednesday 5 June
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Monday 10 June
Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday (no school)
Wednesday 12 June
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Friday 14 June
Year 9 Maths Games Day
Wednesday 19 June
Year 7 - Year 9 SEAL: Oxford University Computing Challenge
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh, volunteer service
Friday 28 June
Year 9 SEAL Maths Games Day
Year 9 Assembly
End of Term 2
Year 9 Cluster Day
Our second Year 9 Cluster Day is happening on Wednesday 29th May. This time we will be exploring career paths that involve the 'Makers'. Students will spend a fun day of activities and presentations from people in the Trades & Apprenticeships areas.
Year 10 VCE Subject Expo
The annual DSC VCE Subject Expo will be held in David Perry Hall on Wednesday 29 May. This kick-starts the VCE subject selection process for our Year 10 students, however our Year 9 students will also be given time to attend. Even though our Year 9s are a year away from selecting their subjects, it's a great opportunity to get them thinking about their senior school pathway options. Teachers will have VCE subjects and VCE-VM displays set up and be on hand to answer any questions about future studies and vocational pathways.
Year 9 Assemblies
Thank you to parents/carers for attending recent Year 9 assemblies. Your active participation in these events continues to foster a strong sense of community and enhances the educational experience for our students. So that you can plan ahead, the next assembly dates are provided below. Please sign in at the Main Office prior to attending.
- 24th May at 11:25am
- 28th June at 11:25am
VCE Advancement Requirements for Year 9 Students
Some students will be offered to start a VCE subject in year 10. Advancement requirements are a culmination of:
- 2024 Term 1 and 2023 Semester 2 reports CAT grade average of B+ and above
- Average Victorian Curriculum level of 8.0 across all subjects in 2023 Semester reports and 2024 CATs
- Embedding or Excelling in Progress Reports for all subjects
- 90% attendance and above
- Maximum of one Non-Submission of Learning Task Chronicle
- Above Year 8 standard for 2023's two PAT tests
- Completed Morrisby assessment
- If NAPLAN results are out, no more than one 'Developing' proficiency or below.