F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have enjoyed their past two weeks of learning.
We have been learning about a wide variety of concepts.
In Health, we have been learning about medications. We have engaged in discussions about medication safety and that we do not take medication without our grown ups permission/supervision. We also talked about medicine at school and that their grown up gives permission for them to have it first. We also learned about how important it is not to take anyone else’s medication. Through an experiment we learned about how different bodies can react differently to medication even though we might look the same or be the same age.
The students put on their science thinking hats after the experiment as they were trying to figure out why the two glasses of liquid reacted differently. Some theories were that I had put different amounts of ‘medication’ in each glass (as they were not measured properly), and that one glass must have had hot water, while the other had cold.
In Maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction. The students really enjoyed playing Miss Shaddick’s Mathsopoly game, which helped them reinforce their knowledge about addition and subtraction. The students enjoyed it so much that we have had to make our own class copy, which has been added to our Walker Learning experiences.
In English, we have been focusing on questions versus statements. The students have been learning that questions require a response from the other person and that they use a question mark when being written. This has tied in with our learning about questions in Auslan, where the students are learning about open and closed questions and that if it is an open question, their eyebrows are down, and if it is a closed question, their eyebrows are up.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 8th May: Participating in Ollie Online Virtual Incursion focusing on digital safety. Attend the Mother’s Day stall (Please send money with your child, if you would like them to buy anything).
Thursday 9th May: Participating in Bravehearts Ditto Incursion focusing on body safety and consent. Attending Mass at 12:30pm led by the Grade 3/4s focusing on Mother’s Day.
Friday 10th May: Pupil Free Day.
Thursday 16th May: Mrs Parry is at a leadership meeting, Miss Ryan will teach the class.
In Maths, we will be moving into our division and multiplication unit, where we will focus on equal sharing and making ‘groups of’. The Grade 2s will also be working on learning their 2 times tables.
In English, we will be starting to learn about the author's purpose and genre of a text.
We will also be having Miss Emma Francis joining our class for work experience on Fridays starting on May 17th for the rest of the term. Emma is a former student of St Mary’s and we are very excited to have her in our classroom.
We also started our next major assessment period yesterday. The students will be participating in a variety of assessments to showcase their knowledge throughout the coming weeks. The students have already been working hard on the assessment pieces that need to be completed this week and we are very proud of the effort that they have put into the tasks.