In RE, the students have embarked on the Risen Christ unit with great enthusiasm, exploring what the Church looks like in our Community and how we can emulate Jesus in our Community. They eagerly delved into the Children's book Mutt Dog, empathising with his journey and drawing inspiration from how he overcame the obstacles in his life as a street dog.
In English, the students have started to write a twisted Fairy Tale of their choice and have continued to work on their vocabulary, connectives, openers, and punctuation. This week, the students will be working on Unit 12 of their Sound Waves Book, which focuses on the phonemes (sounds) h and j, g, ge, and edge, as in hedge.
In maths, we are starting to learn/ revisit how to read time on analogue and digital clocks. This unit on time covers reading the hour, half-hour and quarter-hour; hours and minutes, seconds; duration of time; 'am' and 'pm' conversions of time; 12-hour and 24-hour time; elapsed time; timetables; itineraries—duration of events and journeys.
Last week, I was delighted with how the Year 5/ 6 students conducted themselves at the Interschool Cross Country—they supported each other, listened, and were respectful. Well done on representing our school in the public so well. A special thanks to the parents who were able to attend the Cross Country to cheer their son/ daughter along.
Many thanks to everyone who made an effort to have your student participate in the Project Compassion fundraiser by dressing up in costume. Your support and involvement were truly appreciated. Once again, the students looked fabulous in their 'C' themed costumes. We had a lot of cheerleaders, cowboys/girls, chicken noodles, a Cheshire cat, and Cruella DeVille, who also made a fabulous appearance. Your contributions, creativity and effort made the event even more special.
Thank you to all readers for Friday's Catholic Education Week Liturgy. It was a short but reflective gathering to reflect on the value and importance of getting a Catholic Education.