This fortnight has been jam packed with lots of fun activities. We have enjoyed our caritas fundraisers where we wore crazy hair and dressed up as something starting with the letter C.
We celebrated Anzac day by making some delicious ANZAC biscuits... We discovered that the term 'measuring with our hearts' was acceptable when pouring the golden syrup (yum!)
The grade 4 students participated in the interschool cross country this fortnight. Congratulations to Bodhi and Hunter who qualified for the next level this Friday. We look forward to hearing how they go!
In maths we had started learning about data. We collected some data and represented it on a graph using M&M's. We learnt that the data each of us collected was unique to our own bag of M&M based on colours and number of M&M's. Eating these at the end was the best part of the activity!